Man, I forgot how much back end the SS Pearl has. The thumb has been too tight and I didn't have any extra Magic Carpets for a while, so I hated to take the one installed out to open the thumb a bit. My Tuesday league has been killing me. My Nighthawk M2 is just a little less than I need and my Silver Streak SE is too strong in the heads and midlane. I actually bought a used Retro Red just for this house, but I haven't even had a chance to plug and re-drill it yet. Actually I was going to throw it some as is (lefty more or less stacked leverage) just to get an idea of how strong it is, but that's another subject.
Anyway, I forgot all about the SS Pearl. Finally got some more Carpets and worked out the thumb a bit. Got almost exactly the reaction I was wanting. Cleaner through the heads than I remember and a
very strong back end. Not quite hockey shaped when new, but more consistent and controllable. I failed to find the proper line early and some (more

) horrid spare shooting left me with a lovely 155? Opened the first frame of the second game and still shot 247 and 278.
I think the Retro Red will still have a place. Putting the pin over my bridge at 5" from PAP (same distance as the SS Pearl, but pin is much higher and closer to VAL) and the CG closer to the grip center (but just far enough right so I can add a weight hole to fine tune the reaction) should get me similar length, a bit more mid lane and a little smoother back end. It sure is hard to beat Roto's mid grade line for value.
Penn State ProudSpecial thanks to Dynothane, Visionary, and Lane#1 for donations to the Ballreviews Get Together.
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