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Author Topic: Silver Streak Pearl  (Read 2449 times)


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Silver Streak Pearl
« on: January 11, 2006, 05:19:10 AM »
Just wanted to write a note on this ball.  It struck me, whilst reading the thread about comparing the SSP and the RS-1, that the SSP behaves in what might be an odd way, for me.  Everything I ever read about this ball led me to believe it would have a huge backend and be quite snappy; that is, it just might border on being uncontrollable, or at least be very hard to control.  Oddly, at least for me, this ball has been at times a lifesaver.  There have been times and conditions where nothing else allowed me to score, or to keep the ball in play.  But the SSP just tamed the lane and made it look easy.  And, oddly, it does have a big backend, though mostly not really snappy (I know, if i could tell you my layout it would help, but I can't remember it just now.  I think it's pin up, cg out).  I will not bowl in a strange house without having this puppy handy.
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2006, 03:50:33 PM »
Out of the box, mine was very snappy.  After getting 30-40 games on it, the cover mellowed out some, so the backend became more controllable.  It's still pretty strong, but just not sideways like when it was new.  Also, for a pearl, the cover is pretty strong.  It doesn't get the super easy length that some pearls do, so it bleeds more energy in the midlane than many.  Unless you have really oily heads, it doesn't get the 40', left turn Clyde look that some pearls might give you.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2006, 05:21:02 PM »
I just picked one up. Turns out it's 14#, but I still gave it a try. When I went to practice with it, the lanes were toast. I was throwing out to about 10, and this thing would sail back to the pocket everytime. Put it on some oil, and it didn't move quite as much. It's pin right and up from ring, cg stacked. But I thought my Blazing Inferno was great on the dry, this thing is even better. Just wish it was a 15#er.
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2006, 08:31:15 PM »
Something is wrong.  The SSP is much stronger than a Blazing Inferno.  On the same lanes, the SSP should have either crossed over or rolled out if played on the same line as the BI.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2006, 07:29:51 AM »
The SSP is stronger, but being 14#, I think I get it out farther on the lane, being lighter, and it makes it's move late. I wish I would have been turned on to this ball a long time ago. I'll see how the 14# works out.
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2006, 09:23:32 AM »
Thanks Strider,i was thinking of getting this ball but if it wears down after 30 games i will look for something else.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2006, 09:31:54 AM »
I said no such thing Alex.  I only said that the ball stopped going sideways on the backend after 30-40 games.  There's no ball death in this thing.  I shot 300/775 with it after a good 200 games.  I still have it and use it regularly.
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2006, 09:39:47 AM »
What's the out of box surface of this ball?
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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2006, 09:53:52 AM »
Strider i ment no offense but i was lookink for a midpriced ball with that type of backend but if it changes to a differsnt type of backend after 30 or so games i would look elsewhere.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2006, 10:11:55 AM »
All balls mellow some over time.  For the SSP, that was the best thing it could have done.  OOB, it was uncontrollable.  Double, greek church, double, big four doesn't do much for the average.  Pearls become a little less snappy, big hooking balls don't hook quite so much...  I can't name a ball that goes sideways after the cover breaks in a bit.  Good luck finding one.  If you do, please let us all know.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2006, 10:50:36 AM »
Hammer Hi Rev, purchased in may,Big Rig Diesel,purchased in july.I bowl three nites a week and both balls move the same as the day i bought them. Again no offense intended,subject closed.


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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #11 on: January 12, 2006, 01:32:27 PM »
Believe me, all balls change some after 20-40 games.  You may not want to admit it or be able to see it, but it happens.  Make a poll in the miscellaneous section if you don't believe me.  Once you get any track on a ball, it starts up just a little sooner and doesn't finish quite as hard.  It will get a foot or two less length, and a slightly smaller angle into the pocket.  For pearls, it's usually a little less snap.  For solid resin, it's a little less overall hook and maybe a reduction in hit.  For particles, it can be a more dramatic difference.  Over time, even balls that are well cared for (cleaned, sanded/polished to maintain surface, resurfaced, oil bled...) lose a little of their original reaction.  A resurface on a Haus type machine will get you a pretty close to factory reaction, but sometimes it's difficult or impossible to duplicate the manufacturers finishing process.  My main ball out of the bag is a Nighthawk M2 with 800+ games on it.  I use it because it suits my game very well and still hooks and hits just fine.  Is it exactly like out of the box 800 games ago?  Of course not.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Silver Streak Pearl
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2006, 08:17:16 AM »
Out of box should be 1500 sanded + 1500 polish.
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Thank you very much bud!
Bring The Pain.