Lol, Strider, I don't know. I can drill stuff for other people and it works great for them. My stuff is always hit or miss. I thought I was playing this one smart. Wanted the same reaction shape, so I figured a particle pearl with a lower rg would hook a few boards more, hook earlier and be smoother. All I got was the smooth, lol. A lot of it has been my fault in the past though, I haven't been throwing very decent shots for a long time, and I'm only just now starting to figure it out. I have been thinking about trying to find another X actually, I'd just rather drill newer stuff. Pro shop disease, it's terrible . .
My X is my first out of the bag, I play down and in most of the time, and despite what White Trash boy says (my form isn't textbook, but not as bad as he's making it sound. Imagine Mika with half the backswing and a little bit of a chicken wing, same ball roll, drop some speed and revs), my ball roll lately has been pretty good. I'm still throwing a couple bad shots a game, but for the most part, I'm getting the ball to save energy, I'm projecting well, and getting out of it clean. I'm just going to have to take some video Monday night . . Just needs a stronger drilling (RSP), that's all. Did I miss something in figuring that? Did I forget to account for something?
New member of the Metal Militia!!! If you think Simple Plan is metal, then you must die. And not get to be a member . .\m/!!!