
Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: OTBTbowler on January 09, 2004, 07:46:50 AM

Title: Silver Streak/SS Pearl surface question
Post by: OTBTbowler on January 09, 2004, 07:46:50 AM
Do those of you with these two balls maintain the 1500 grit surface? Right now I find that I have plenty of movement on the Silver Streak, and feel it might be almost too much ball at 600/800.  The highest grit that I currently have is 1200.  Would this surface, polished with Black Magic Plus, be a usable surface?  I haven't used the Pearl much yet, but it also seems to be a ball that wouldn't work well with too much surface.  Any input would be appreciated.
Why change balls? I can miss my target with any of them!
Title: Re: Silver Streak/SS Pearl surface question
Post by: cosmo on January 10, 2004, 08:33:05 AM
I have both of these balls. I tend to keep the SS at 1000 or so plus Black magic - not too much different than you. The pearl I keep shined 1500 to 2000 and it seems to work better with shine.


Happy with what you have to be happy with.
Title: Re: Silver Streak/SS Pearl surface question
Post by: OTBTbowler on January 11, 2004, 10:35:12 PM
Thanks for the input guys.  One other thing that I meant to ask was how often do you resurface back to a higher grit?  I was thinking every 30 games or so, but would that be too many?
Why change balls? I can miss my target with any of them!
Title: Re: Silver Streak/SS Pearl surface question
Post by: Jeffrevs on January 15, 2004, 06:39:58 AM
I had a solid and changed the cover because it was too sharp for me.  I hit it with a white scotch-brite pad , light scuff w/ no polish and I like that cover prep a lot.

Balls DO wear out, however......if they are cleaned after EVERY set, practice included, they will last quite a while!  You should have cleaner, towels, scotch brites, etc and a cleaning regimen that you stick to after every session with your stuff.
Hello, I just lowered my track !
Title: Re: Silver Streak/SS Pearl surface question
Post by: OTBTbowler on January 16, 2004, 10:05:27 PM
I clean my equipment after every use with Ebonite Power House for reactive balls and Black Magic Rejuvenator for particles.  I use my four main balls only for one out of town league and tournaments, and use older equipment for local leagues and practice.  For the polished balls, I repolish about every three games. Everyone has been very helpful and this is another reason to visit BR regularly.
Why change balls? I can miss my target with any of them!