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Author Topic: Skeptical.......RS-X  (Read 2138 times)


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« on: March 31, 2005, 06:06:16 PM »
While reading this post please do not think that I am bashing anyone especially Roto Grip, I live by their equipment.  I'm not trying cause a fuss, just stating my point, but please feel free to chime in.

  Roto Grips decision to release the RS-X puzzles me.  I mean I have no doubt that this will be one heck of a ball, but I believe that their timing is a tad bit off. First thing that upsets me is not only the discontiuation of the silver streak solid, but the fact that there is yet a ball to fill that void that the ball has left in the RG arsenal.  The Silver Streak Solid(out of box), was IMO one of the best medium length sport shot balls on the market. Bt with its discontinuation customers will be forced to either go with a Super sonic and make it a little stronger(which is hard to do bc of the low diff core) or try to tweak the Ressurection.  I love the Ressurection, just the way it is.  Now for someone that is looking to play the tough conditions and find that the gap between the Super Sonic and the Ressurection is too big(please do not mention the Ultra, I am simply commenting on solids) what are they left to do?  

Now what I do commend Roto on doing is going after some of today's market, HOOK OUT THE BOX!!! And that is great for the everyday league bowler, but I see no use for this ball on Sport shot tourneys.  It looks like this ball is trying to compete with the Ultimate, Vertigo, and even the WOMB.  But the midlane on this ball is going to be out of this WORLD!!! There are gonna be a lot of 7 pins hit during league for right handers. lol. But is Roto hitting that HOOK OUT THE BOX market too late?  I think so, with the release of the WOMB and Shock and Awe many already have their answer.  And as quiet as its kept, I think this ball will outhook the vision.

I just think that RG should also keep the "bowlers" in mind when they discontinue and create balls, but thats just my opionion.  Lemme know what you guys feel about it.


P.S.-Just to let everyone know, I do own the RS-1 and it is a heck of a ball, but it is VERY condition specific on a sport shot.
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Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2005, 05:13:03 AM »
how did you have your sss drilled ?
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Mustang Guy

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2005, 09:38:17 AM »
One thing you don't see is that even though others probably share your opinion about discontinuing the Silver Streak, they aren't knocking the pro shop doors down to purchase them either.  Plain and simple, if it isn't selling anymore why keep it in the product line?  We look at numerous pieces and decide which is the best ball to discontinue in order to make room for new product, based on sales, distributor support, possible overlapping, etc....  If we kept every great piece of equipment we make in our line, we would have a product line like other large manufacturers.  Our goal is to have a small product line that covers a wide variety of conditions, not flood the market with bowling balls while still trying to push other ones that are merely inches apart.  We have a different marketing strategy and if anyone feels we have holes in our arsenal I disagree.  If you can't take 3 of our bowling balls and make an arsenal with the proper layouts, I'd be really surprised.

I hope this helps you better understand why a ball is discontinued.  We can all sit around and talk about great equipment we've had and how we wish we could find them still.  When it all boils down though, if bowlers aren't buying them we have to create something new.  

Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.

For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Roger Noordhoek
Director of Marketing
Storm Products, Inc.

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2005, 09:53:39 AM »
I agree with Roger.  As much as I LOVE!!!!! the SS I am realize that the demand for the ball has decreased to the point that is no longer profitable for RG to produce them.  

From looking at the specs on the RS-X I would believe that it should work well for you on Sport Shots. The solid reactive cover (with the right drilling pattern) should be able to handle the Sport shots.  NOTE: The layout is very important when discussing Sport Bowling!!!

I would however recommend the Rush as an alternative on Sport Conditions. With the exception of the 50ft and 29ft patterns that are put down in the Sport League at Fort Meade.  I have been able to use my Rush with great success.


Mike Sinek
Roto Grip / Storm Staff Manager
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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2005, 09:59:19 AM »
Guess I never really put any thought into the fact that they aren't selling as good as they used to. But Mustang have you guys ever thought about re-releasing in a different color?  I know it sounds stupid but when I first started bowling I dismissed it because it was solid black. lol.  Could be a reason for the poor sales.  Mustang I do appreciate your comment and the fact that you don't take any offense, afterall, you guys will still be getting my money. lol.

Pin over middle cg in palm.


P.S.-The RS-X does look nice....odds are I'll buy it, but don't tell anyone!! lol
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Edited on 4/1/2005 10:59 AM

Edited on 4/1/2005 12:50 PM
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2005, 11:54:31 AM »
personally, i'm sick of all my multicolored balls.

another reason why i want to find a sss before they're all gone (which seems to be the case now).  perhaps i'll try v2 sanded as an alternative?

roger, what's the color combo on rs-x?  too early to tell?  


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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2005, 12:10:44 PM »
The pics are up on
Big Tom  


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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2005, 12:47:54 PM »
personally, i'm sick of all my multicolored balls.

another reason why i want to find a sss before they're all gone (which seems to be the case now).  perhaps i'll try v2 sanded as an alternative?

roger, what's the color combo on rs-x?  too early to tell?  

Black and Burgundy.  It's not that bad of a combination.  Should be dark enough that you won't mind it too much.  Heck, the V2 sanded is black and blue anyhow.
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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2005, 01:18:24 PM »
website pics look like burgandy and navy ....looks good..

hell, who long as it DOES what it's supposed to do...

heck the Rush is one ugly SOB, but wow, what a ball!
"Oh...that's puce"
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Mustang Guy

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2005, 02:18:27 PM »
Black and Burgundy with gold logos.  A very nice classic looking bowling ball.  

It wasn't that the Silver Streak sold bad, just sales have slowed down after 3 years.  The average bowling ball's life span between all companies is around 1 - 1.5 years.  Any ball that lasts longer than that is a winner.  

We have re-released the Silver Streak many times overseas in different colors which has been quite successful.  That is always an option and yes we have discussed it before, but our focus right now is pushing our new coverstocks.  

Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.

For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit
Roger Noordhoek
Director of Marketing
Storm Products, Inc.

For all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit


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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2005, 12:39:09 AM »
Thanks for the comments Mark!!!
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Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Skeptical.......RS-X
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2005, 09:43:47 AM »
I loved the Pure Fuel when it was discontinued I bought a case of them.
When Roger told me the Silverstreak was being discontinued I also bought a case of those. I still have 3 NIB SS left. My Oracle cracked out around the fingers and bridge down into the core still rolls decent and carries pretty good. i love the ball but don't think it would last until after I go to Nationals so I replaced it this past week with another Oracle.
This ball rolls well for me on flatter/tougher patterns when hitting the pocket and keeping the ball in play matters more than striking big runs of strikes.
Kind of like what the Nationals condition is like.

So for me if I like a ball I'll gladly punch another one out in a different layout combination rather than go with the latest hook in a box theory.

free agency it is until i get a better offer.   LMAO