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Author Topic: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!  (Read 3034 times)

Ric Clint

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Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« on: July 29, 2004, 12:32:48 PM »
I've got this ball drilled 5 x 4 and polished to 5000 grit (seriously) and tried it on a shot that had head oil but with about 35 feet of backends that even Plastic and hook back on... and the ball went long and then made a very controlled arc to the pocket.

My Red Fuze and Ultima RP was going brooklyn almost but I can pick up the BOOM and play the same line and it makes the drier lanes look like they have more oil on them than they did, by the way the ball rolled I mean!

This ball is a sleeper!

Bowling This Month gave it a 14 backend rating... but I disagree! It's weaker than that... which is perfect for sevearly flaming backends.

The way the ball rolls and reacts with a calm arcing motion... you'd think you were bowling on a Medium/Heavy shot with a stronger ball, instead of bowling on this drier shot... if that makes sense??? In other words, the BOOM makes a drier shot look like a fresh shot!

I just wonder how well this ball can hndle drier heads?

Isn't there something about the coverstock being harder or something which helps it be as clean as it does?

Does this ball have any MICA in it?

I know the coverstock is weaker and it suites this core perfectly... where as the Power Groove and Wild have good cores but with strong coverstocks, so therefore those companies drier lane balls can be used on a FLOOD almost... but finally with the BOOM, a company made a Medium/Dry lane ball that IS ACTUALLY FOR MEDIUM/DRY LANES and has a weaker coverstock instead of all these STRONG coverstock drier lanes balls!!! And I know some of you will agree with this!


Ric Clint

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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2004, 12:50:03 AM »
Surely me and Lucklefty are not the only one's that love this fine looking little ball? The ball rolls great and is very pretty, too! But not quiet as pretty as Pchee2... he's about as cute as a rooster wearing socks!

Oh, Pchee2... come back home... we miss you... oh dear, where's my tissue? Snif, snif...

Edited on 7/31/2004 0:47 AM

Ric Clint

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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2004, 02:09:22 AM »
Ric, where are you bowling? Why does the center keep the lane conditions so brutal? If the center that i bowled in did that, with the number of right handers on any given pair, it would be impossible to bowl on!


If you are wondering why I have to carry so many balls to league at this one house, which is my home house, and why the idiot who owns this house changes the shot EVERY SINGLE week... well, here's the whole story in a brief summary:

My home house is in Forest City, North Carolina. This house has been here for about 20 years. About 8-9 years ago, a new guy came in and bought this place... and he's basically an idiot.

From day #1, when he came in, he said, "I don't want any honor scores to be shot in this house." And he has made his feelings public ever since he bought it. Everytime somebody would shoot a good set or high game (it didn't have to be an 800 or 300... it could be just a 275 or 700), the next week, you could bank on it that the shot would be different.

There used to be some top bowlers from Hickory, Spartanberg, Greenville, Gastonia, etc... that used to bowl here but got tired of his crap and they have all left this house and after this summer league is over in 3 weeks, me and a few buddies are gone too!

Everytime me or anybody would ever shoot a high set, high game, or an honor score, he would change the shot! He's known for doing this! Everybody from surrounding cities won't bowl here anymore, because everybody hates this guy!

He's really known for when it came time for position round and roll-off time, he would change the shot so that everybody would score bad... that's where he gets his kicks!!!

About 1 year ago I shoot my 1st 800, and the next week, the shot changes. I struggle at first, but figure the shot out and go to a different ball, and start back scoring again.

A quick story of how this guy does things:

About 6 months ago, I come in one week and I shoot 751 and he doesn't change the shot for some reason, so the next week I shoot 741. Well the next week, he changes the shot and I struggle (compared to the previous 2 weeks) and shoot 636. Well I get it figured out after having to go to a stronger ball and moving outside to play more down and in and I come in the very next week and shoot my 2nd 800. The next week, a different shot... I don't think I even broke 600 the next week...

He changes the shot like this all the time and people are tired of it... I carry 6 balls to league in this one house, because you don't know if your gonna have to use 320 grit Angle Evolution TOUR... or a 5000 grit polished XXXL... he's a sick man!!!

I have to approach this house on league night as if I'm going to a dadgum tournament!!! I'm tired of having to carry 18.43 balls just to bowl league... because he may have a FLOOD one week and DRY the next week... You have to be prepared!

So that's why I have so many balls... and buy different ball's all the time.

But like I say... just 3 more weeks and we're out of here for good... unless somebody else buys the place from him.

We're already signed up at 2 other houses for the winter season.

I just want to bowl at a house that doesn't have it in for you when you shoot an honor score.

But looking back on it, I'm kind of glad that he's changed the shot so many times... because I've learned how to score on just about every shot that's out there, except for extreme crazy shots.


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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2004, 02:20:00 AM »
I hear at 1500 surface(box) the Boom has a Booming backend.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana

Ric Clint

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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2004, 05:33:00 AM »

It's something else, alright!

All a person has got to do, is ask anybody in the Western part of North Carolina and surrounding cities about this house... and they will fill their head full of stories... this house is infamous for this crap!!!

Sad, sad story!!!

Edited on 8/3/2004 5:30 AM

Ric Clint

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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2004, 10:09:20 PM »
"I don't want any honor scores"-That sounds like a challenge, I'd keep throwing there just to show him that honors can be shot no matter what he does to the oil. Its good prep for tournaments where extreme patterns are laid/formed.

That has been thought about... but it really, truely is too much aggrevation!

The reason we're moving to other houses is because we want a fair shot... not an EASY shot, but just some consistancy from lane to lane, and from week to week! Not flood on the left lane, dry on the right lane... lol...

Next Level PS

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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2004, 12:46:36 AM »
If you Like the Boom you will love the Super Sonic!!

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Next Level Proshop
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Re: Sonic BOOM is AWESOME!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2004, 05:21:16 PM »
i love my sonic boom.  i got one just before summer leagues started and its true, if its dry,  this ball wont over react on you. i'm left handed so i usually wont run into dry heads, but it works great on short patterns. and it carries everything.
 i have a 11/2 " pin undeer my ring finger. cg is in the center of my grip.  i think i have a 1/4 oz of side.
i would recommend this ball to anyone who wants a ball for medium to light oil lanes. they wont be disappointed