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Author Topic: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time  (Read 1665 times)


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Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« on: September 16, 2004, 07:30:38 PM »
Looking for a ball to fit between My WOW and my Sonic x pearl.The two Ive come down to are the Boom and Crunch Time.
Has any one thrown both or able to compare these in terms of lenght,boards covered,carry etc?
Many thanks for any input.
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Mustang Guy

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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2004, 12:02:34 PM »
I went to both the Track site and Columbia site.  Going off of core numbers the Sonic Boom seems to be a better fit inbetween those 2 balls.  Since I don't know about their coverstocks you might want to wait to see if someone else who has thrown some of the other equipment also post.  

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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2004, 01:03:13 PM »
To me the crunchtime would fit a little better. Its cover seems a bit stronger and that core has been proven for versatility through a few manufacturers lines. From a Wow (Assuming  the dull particle) I might be a bit more inclined to go to a reactive solid in the medium strength class such a (V2, Storm Flash force, Vendetta Black, etc.) and make cover changes to fill your need. This would give you a weaker pearl a medium solid (either polished or whatever your needs ) and a  med-strong particle. Please base your judgement based upon your style and game and the conditions you will see in your area.

Hint: Post up a profile  of your style and maybe the conditions you see and those details make recommmendations much easier

Edited on 9/17/2004 1:07 PM


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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2004, 06:44:15 PM »
Sorry, Hellbound,
But I think you shopuld reconsider your request.
That's a slot you put 3, maybe 4 balls in. No one ball will fit between those two side of the oil handling spectrum.

(I guess you could have the WOW polished to about 5000 grit and the Sonic dulled to 600 grit ....)

And I am not making any jokes here at all.
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Edited on 9/17/2004 11:19 PM
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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2004, 07:02:04 PM »
Charlest & Bob Hylka.Thank you for your input.
My WOW is polished and is best for medium oil.I have a Throttle (box) for heavy.
Due to financial issues I can only afford one ball to use for med/light.I have been impressed by both the Boom and CT and feel they may be good options for med/light conditions.
I was just after comparisons of these two balls.
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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2004, 08:54:40 PM »

With general drillings, and standard out-of-the-box covers,
The Sonic Boom is for light to medium-light oil patterns,
while the CrunchTime is for medium-light to medium oil patterns.

The SB will go longer than the CT on their overlap territories, with the CT going earlier, but not early (after all it is a polished resin pearl) and with more hook overall. The CT has a lower RG core for earlier hook than the SB's higher RG core. The CT's core also has a larger RG differential for greater overall hook.

The SB is an enhancement (and replacement) of the Sonic-X pearl you already have.

Given these facts, and if you MUST choose between only these two balls, my opinion is that the CT fits better between the two you already have.

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Re: Sonic Boom v Track Crunch Time
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2004, 04:08:52 AM »
Well said!

The Sonic Boom is a low flare ball which fits pretty close to the Sonic X.

It is for a slightly longer low volume oil condition.
Differential or flare potential is .29.

The Crunchtime is an earlier revving higher flare (diff in the .4x range)ball which will start earlier than the sonic boom and is more in the middle between a wow and a Sonic X.

One could actually have both and have a good 4 ball arsenal with each different.

But with only one choice I would get a Crunch Time.

This from a guy who's favorite ball right now is the sonic boom.  But it fits my conditions.


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