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Author Topic: Sonic X pearl  (Read 2342 times)


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Sonic X pearl
« on: January 08, 2005, 05:08:12 PM »
I sold my Sonic X pearl to a friend.  He went to plug the thumb and the material ran out of the finger holes.  I think this will be that last Storm/RG ball I will buy.


Edited on 1/9/2005 10:42 AM



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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2005, 05:17:51 AM »
I don't understand. Please explain.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2005, 09:45:21 AM »
Oops! Edited....

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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2005, 03:12:43 PM »

Haste makes waste.

Never say never.

Don't jump the gun.

And you know I favor no one ball company.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2005, 03:30:00 PM »
So now, your not going to buy hammer, ebonite(check hammer forum for agroves complaints there), storm, rotogrip, and dynothane (made by storm). This leaves columbia, track, brunswick, amf, morich, and visionary. From what I can tell, you are a brunswick supporter. Is that the reason that you are bashing many other companies, because you are so enamored with brunswick (like many on this board), that you have begun to hate all other companies?

Currently in my tournament herd, I carry 2 brunswick, 1 amf, 3 ebonite, 2 hammer, 2 storm, and 1 track. Never have a preference for any company, I think they all put out great products. I don't understand all the complaints people have had over cracking from columbia/hammer/storm (supposedly from thin coverstocks, doesn't make sense because I've measured all the balls coverstocks).  Also don't understand the complaints  about dying particles, never had a particle or any other ball die on me to the point where I couldn't bring it back.

agroves, please stop bashing other companies. Your starting to sound like the donkey spinner basher (can't remember his name at this time).


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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2005, 03:52:34 PM »
Sounds more like a problem with the drilling than a problem with the manufacturing, anyway!
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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2005, 03:58:05 PM »
Sounds more like a problem with the drilling than a problem with the manufacturing, anyway!
-- Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can't - you are right.

I think its core seperation. Probably caused from being exposed to extremes in temperature.


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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2005, 11:09:34 PM »
So now, your not going to buy hammer, ebonite(check hammer forum for agroves complaints there), storm, rotogrip, and dynothane (made by storm). This leaves columbia, track, brunswick, amf, morich, and visionary. From what I can tell, you are a brunswick supporter. Is that the reason that you are bashing many other companies, because you are so enamored with brunswick (like many on this board), that you have begun to hate all other companies?

Currently in my tournament herd, I carry 2 brunswick, 1 amf, 3 ebonite, 2 hammer, 2 storm, and 1 track. Never have a preference for any company, I think they all put out great products. I don't understand all the complaints people have had over cracking from columbia/hammer/storm (supposedly from thin coverstocks, doesn't make sense because I've measured all the balls coverstocks).  Also don't understand the complaints  about dying particles, never had a particle or any other ball die on me to the point where I couldn't bring it back.

agroves, please stop bashing other companies. Your starting to sound like the donkey spinner basher (can't remember his name at this time).

I believe that I have a right too, if I spend my cash on something that doesn't live up to my standards.  As far as your bs comment about extreme temps, I can say this.  I live in ND, so driving to the bowl in -15* weather happens, not much I can do about it.  We drive to tournaments, in negative temps, again nothing I can do about.  Do I leave them in the car overnight, NO, never have.  Do I even leave them in the car longer than necessary, NO.  

If you bought a Ford and it broke down constantly, you wouldn't hesitate to buy another one?  Right....

For Ebonite/Hammer this isn't the first time.  For RG, yes it is the first time.  But, burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me.  

Mumzie, the finger holes are always beveled per the manufactures requirements.  The problem is small "surface" cracks around the pin(Ebonite and Hammer).

BTW, I have tried almost every company, except Dyno and Visionary(I have a Crimson Ext on the way).  So I guess I am not totally "enamored" with B'wick.

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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2005, 11:50:57 PM »
So now, your not going to buy hammer, ebonite(check hammer forum for agroves complaints there), storm, rotogrip, and dynothane (made by storm). This leaves columbia, track, brunswick, amf, morich, and visionary. From what I can tell, you are a brunswick supporter. Is that the reason that you are bashing many other companies, because you are so enamored with brunswick (like many on this board), that you have begun to hate all other companies?

Currently in my tournament herd, I carry 2 brunswick, 1 amf, 3 ebonite, 2 hammer, 2 storm, and 1 track. Never have a preference for any company, I think they all put out great products. I don't understand all the complaints people have had over cracking from columbia/hammer/storm (supposedly from thin coverstocks, doesn't make sense because I've measured all the balls coverstocks).  Also don't understand the complaints  about dying particles, never had a particle or any other ball die on me to the point where I couldn't bring it back.

agroves, please stop bashing other companies. Your starting to sound like the donkey spinner basher (can't remember his name at this time).

I believe that I have a right too, if I spend my cash on something that doesn't live up to my standards.  As far as your bs comment about extreme temps, I can say this.  I live in ND, so driving to the bowl in -15* weather happens, not much I can do about it.  We drive to tournaments, in negative temps, again nothing I can do about.  Do I leave them in the car overnight, NO, never have.  Do I even leave them in the car longer than necessary, NO.  

If you bought a Ford and it broke down constantly, you wouldn't hesitate to buy another one?  Right....

For Ebonite/Hammer this isn't the first time.  For RG, yes it is the first time.  But, burn me once shame on you, burn me twice shame on me.  

Mumzie, the finger holes are always beveled per the manufactures requirements.  The problem is small "surface" cracks around the pin(Ebonite and Hammer).

BTW, I have tried almost every company, except Dyno and Visionary(I have a Crimson Ext on the way).  So I guess I am not totally "enamored" with B'wick.

Member of the Brunswick Nation!

I was talking about the extreme temperature because maybe your friend left the ball out in the car. You have now explained yourself better, but from your first statement, it sounded as if you were making up a story just to find a way to bash other companies (statement was very short and did not seem to have a point).


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Re: Sonic X pearl
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2005, 01:48:11 AM »

I was talking about the extreme temperature because maybe your friend left the ball out in the car. You have now explained yourself better, but from your first statement, it sounded as if you were making up a story just to find a way to bash other companies (statement was very short and did not seem to have a point).

See the other post in the hammer forum...

The Rg never left the bowling center once it was sold.

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