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Author Topic: Sonic X Pearl original  (Read 1102 times)

Ric Clint

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Sonic X Pearl original
« on: July 12, 2006, 04:10:30 PM »
Who all have had success with this ball?

This ball is great!

This ball has got so much continuation it's scary!

Like LuckyLefty has said, with the weightblock/core being kind of wide in the middle, this ball actually supplies a little bit of Midlane despite it's Higher RG of 2.60. And since it does have just a slight bit of Midlane, the Sonic X Pearl original actually does recover VERY well on shots missed wide of target.

Eventhough it's RG Differential is only .020 (which appears to be weak nowadays), there is still a bit of punch right before it hits the pocket that creates SUPERIOR pin carry where other balls in this Medium/Light Oil class would be leaving 10-pins.

Here's the way I see the ball's reaction: The ball gets through the heads pretty clean as long as there's a hint of head oil. It doesn't start hooking in the midlane, but you can tell that it's "reading" it... and then as long as the bakends are clean, when it gets to the pocket, you think it's gonna just hit the 1-3 pocket in a regular normal way, but in fact it actually kind of "tilts" again right before it hits the pocket and it hit's high flush creating the best pin carry that I've seen out a ball in a while since the AZO Ultima RP.

There's just a slight little "curl" as it enters the pocket even AFTER it's already went through it's hooking phase. I could have sworn this ball hooks twice. Even when missed wide of target, it tries it's best to recover in the midlane (and it does), and just when you think it's all hooked out, or it's gonna roll out and hit light (or weak)... it honestly looks like it just somehow hooks again as it enters the pocket.

I'm still amazed at the pin carry with this ball. I think it's got ALOT to do with this "second" little hook that I just mentioned as it enters the pocket.

Anybody else see this ball the way I see it???



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Re: Sonic X Pearl original
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2006, 01:51:40 AM »
Well Ric,
  Sorta...mine doesn't give me that tad midlane read like yours. I have it drilled to go long and flip off the spot. But yes I LOVE it!!!! Like you said, I have yet to see a light-med light solid ball perform as well at the Sonic Solid. I rarely leave a ten pin even on those tad high and tad light shots. It is amazing. I have my layout in my profile. But it has been my savior in this new house that I am bowling in that has strong backends. The Sonic lets me still get a little deep but gives me the control that I need on the backend to keep me outta split city!!

I would dare say that this is one of RG's best releases, but due to it being "low end" few have tried it out.

Amendum...I wrote about the solid, it was late. I have the Pearl as well and it gives me a great midlane read. Its drilled RICO. But I love it, it gives me a stronger earlier read than my solid and rolls all the way through the deck. I have the original. There were 2 different ones, the colors were different. But I have the manly looking one from 2003!! The early Sonics (pearl and solid) have to be the best low end pieces I have thrown to date.

Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

Edited on 7/13/2006 2:14 AM
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??

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Re: Sonic X Pearl original
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2006, 01:54:42 AM »
I don't have any experience with the pearl but I have the Sonic X Solid which is at 3000 grit plus LOADS of polish and I get the same reaction you describe.
I think the appearance of the hook twice is due to the fairly strong cover grabbing before the core catches up and then in that last couple of feet the core catches up.
On a THS it is often my go to ball due to the fact that it reads pretty well but never over reacts. 99% of the time when I can't find a line with 1 of my higher-end ball, I can just grab my SXS and move outside and get a nice controlled reaction. At one point I would have loved to see R.G. make a particle version of the ball cause it has always rolled very well for me when others are over under.
As far as continuation goes mine has never stopped hooking even on the shortest pattern I have ever bowled on which was 32'.

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