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Author Topic: Sonic X Solid Questions  (Read 3109 times)


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Sonic X Solid Questions
« on: December 18, 2003, 11:53:31 PM »
I'm currently considering the purchase of a Sonic-X Solid to be
an arcing ball on dry or light oil conditions.  The posts on the
comparison between the Sonic-X and Sonic-X solid were helpful,
but I have a few questions.

If you have a sonic-x solid, what conditions/patterns do you
like to use it on?  Do you have any other balls geared for
dry or light oil conditions and how do they compare to the
sonic-x solid?

Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.



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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 03:03:08 PM »
What the Sonic Solid offers that separates it from alot of other balls on the market is how smooth and even it is especially in the dirt.  This ball is all about control and the reaction shape is a gentle sweeping arc from start to finish.  

I used this ball on second shift patterns with scorched tracks and patterns similar to reverse blocks when I needed to keep the line tight to the pocket.  There is no over reacting to this ball and it's a wonderful work of art on light oil.

Other balls that I'm using on light oils are the Darkside and the Green Gargoyle.  Both of these balls actually get more length before they start to roll compared to the Sonic Solid, but they also have larger flaring backends.  These two are about five boards stronger overall than the Solid X is.

I also have the Glowing Amulet for dry lanes and the reaction shape is very similar to the Sonic Solid, but it's about five boards weaker than it.

If you want control on a drier shot, then the Sonic X Solid is the best ball for the money right now, with the Darkside a close second.
Would you give everything up, just to do it all over again?

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Edited on 12/19/2003 4:02 PM
<b>The original Pin Krusher</b>


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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2003, 12:13:34 PM »


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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2003, 12:21:33 PM »
A_P_K nailed it....and to add 2 points.........

1. It's NOT a dry lane ball, maybe drier, and ligher oil, but not DRY.

2. This ball can be used on EXTREME wet/drys, ...let the lane bring the ball back, ride the oil line and get it to the toasty backends....especially if you have a decent hand........
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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2003, 12:40:05 PM »


Your choice depend house condition.This 2 Sonic X is ball for light oil,my choice for med to dry lane is New Sonic Boom only probleme.This ball is only available 20 january.The New Sonic boom to be 3-4 board or more that to other Sonic.

Henrik Tremblay
Roto Grip International Staff
Henrik Tremblay
Storm Amateur Staff
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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2003, 02:13:41 PM »
Mr. Anderson,

Based on your delivery profile (not too different than mine), I seriously doubt if you will be able to use the Sonic-X solid on true dry lanes. I cannot. It is usable on medium light at a minimum.

Mine is sanded to 1500 grit with sandpaper, then polished to medium high gloss with Storm's Xtra Shine (which can take covers to as high as 3500; I would guess mine is around 2500-3000, right now.) It is drilled with the pin over the bridge, dead center; CG about 1/2" to the right of grip center; 3" pin-CG distance.

It hits nicely, but the greatest length I can get, even on medium-light oil, is maybe 40 feet. It is nicely even arc-ing, but once the lanes dry out, in the 2nd game, it starts hooking 2-5 feet past the arrows. The lanes start out medium-light oil and transition to very dry. This ball, either as drilled or as delivered by me, is not one to turn the corner from deep inside, so I change to a light-oil, very mild pearl to play inside the 4th arrow.

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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2003, 02:05:38 PM »
Thanks everyone for your replies so far.  Maybe this will help shed some more light.  I'm looking for a "step up" from my Dyno-Thane Barrage and V2 Dry.  Both of these balls I have drilled very weakly and are exactly what I was looking for on dry lanes.

The problem is, there is a huge gap in my arsenal between these two balls and my next "weakest" ball - an Ebonite Tornado.  I would really like to fill this gap for one-day tournaments with 8+ game formats.

Generally, in this region (west) you have enough head and midlane oil to help control the ball, but the back ends can get flying pretty quick.  Then as the midlane starts to go .... my tornado is just too strong/snappish the above two balls (Barrage/V2 Dry) are still pretty straight and don't give a bunch of area until the lanes break down a bit more.  That's when it is time for  .... Sonic X?

What do you think?
(c) Copied Right! 2003 Knarly Stuff Inc.


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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2003, 06:00:52 PM »

Yes, I have used, in league play, my Barrage, once, when the Sonic solid was not getting enough length.
(Note: I have only used the Sonic in league 3 times, the last 3 Monday night league sessions, but several times in practice.)
My Barrage is drilled label (4x5), with a slight shine; Sonic is drilled & prepped as described above, very weak. Sonic is solid, Barrage is pearl.

(Aside: I wonder if the Sonic wouldn't still be earlier in the midlanes than the Tornado. I assume your Tornado is the pearl; the ones I have seen had length with a ton of backend.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
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Re: Sonic X Solid Questions
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2004, 02:57:41 PM »