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Author Topic: Storm Natural or Roto Grip Neptune?  (Read 4349 times)


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Storm Natural or Roto Grip Neptune?
« on: December 02, 2009, 03:47:19 PM »
I'm having some troubles on dryer lanes. i currently use an emerald vibe and a rayzr for dryer lanes, but want to get one ball to over lap both of them. the next ball up from those 2 is my 2nd dimension which is my go to ball. out of the neptune and natural, which do you feel would be a better choice? thanks!



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Re: Storm Natural or Roto Grip Neptune?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2009, 08:45:02 AM »
none of the three balls u listed are less that the nueptune..

Mars is a great ball but too strong on a burnt up condition
I usually use it first game out of the bag its my go to ball
if you want something more tame try a freeze from columbia
or avalanche slide
or Link from Global

the natural is nice as well but can take some getting used to if you have never bowled with urethane before,
you have to really hit the pocket a little more flush and be much more consistent with urethane stuff compared to resin equipment

maybe look for an older resin type ball,
I just recently drilled and AMF Hawk that I found NIB and it works great on drier conditions that 1 of my leagues has


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Re: Storm Natural or Roto Grip Neptune?
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2009, 08:58:30 AM »
Neptune was pretty strong for me,
thats why I suggested looking into an older Reactive ball, like something from the mid to late 90's
none of the three balls u listed are less that the nueptune..

Mars is a great ball but too strong on a burnt up condition
I usually use it first game out of the bag its my go to ball
if you want something more tame try a freeze from columbia
or avalanche slide
or Link from Global

the natural is nice as well but can take some getting used to if you have never bowled with urethane before,
you have to really hit the pocket a little more flush and be much more consistent with urethane stuff compared to resin equipment

maybe look for an older resin type ball,
I just recently drilled and AMF Hawk that I found NIB and it works great on drier conditions that 1 of my leagues has