We cannot blame the ball choice for the reason he lost. We all know under the lights the oil transitions differently and faster than during qualifying and match play. Norm actually had a really good look after he adjusted from the shot in the first frame. My thought is that Anthony being inside him pushed oil into Norm's breakpoint area which caused the bad reaction down lane in the latter frames. Then, Norm just threw one bad shot in the 9th that went through the nose. Had he thrown a good shot there; he is looking at 240s which would have locked Simonsen out. That pattern they laid down forced premium shot making. There was not going to be a ball that was going to be forgiving. If you watch closely to that show, everyone threw smooth/continuous reacting equipment (IQ Tour, Idol, Gem, Jackal Ghost) except for Maldonado (Widow Ghost) and his look was terrible as a result. Anthony got lucky as he had to make a big split in the 8th to get passed Brad Miller. He misses that split he loses and Brad is bowling Norm for the title. I think Norm beats Brad because Brad struggled with his reaction and only shot 185 against Simonsen.