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Author Topic: Disapointed  (Read 1513 times)


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« on: March 16, 2009, 01:09:52 PM »
Kinda pissed off that I cant even order the Mars or Rouge until the 18th and there are already a sh##load of people that are able to get them. I know there are plenty of ways to do so, but it doesnt make it any less annoying
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Re: Disapointed
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2009, 09:12:20 PM »
The pro shop I deal with has them both. They were there saturday when I stopped in.
Why Jr Why

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Re: Disapointed
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2009, 09:27:38 PM »
My pro shop has them too. The Mars looks very cool.

Steve Richter

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Re: Disapointed
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2009, 08:05:59 PM »

There are a few scenarios where this happens:

1) Salesmen and staff players get their's ahead of the release date to create buzz and get others thinking about the upcoming releases.  This allows them to talk more about it based on experience and give people advice based on their game.
2) An early bird package previously offered by RG directly was recently moved to distribution and pro shops were offered a one-time purchase of a Rogue, Rogue, CELL Pearl and Mars.  Those went out about 2 weeks ago.  From experience, I sold all but the Mars the day that package arrived.

Believe me it's not a conspiracy, it is just sometimes how that works depending on who or what you have seen on the lanes.  BUT, there is a method and a system to it and Roger/RG are consistent about it.

My recommendation is get in touch with your shop and if they are a STAR Pro Shop, make sure they are ordering their due package from distribution.  If they aren't a STAR shop, you might encourage them to join - the benefits of lifetime membership far outweight the initial cost.

In addition, to entice them to join, commit to them that you'll take each of the new releases off their hands at a discounted cost so A) they know they unload at least one and won't be hung with extra inventory B) you get the cost benefit of that committment.  Maybe they'd consider you a sort of "Shop Staff" player then.  I know our shop does that with a couple players here.
Steve Richter


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Re: Disapointed
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2009, 08:12:51 PM »
The deal was that Roto Star pro shops were able to order a 4 ball package that included the rogue.

A second deal for non Star shops was a dual package Mars and Rogue.  But you could buy only one package.  

So if the shop owner drilled up one, then the Rogue is gone.  General purchase is after the 18th.  
