A household degreasing cleaner works, 409, Orange Clean, Simple Green, etc...however, the best on the market IMHO is NeoTac Liquid Nitro! ($4.85 per bottle right now at!) Use after every set, league or practice and your ball will stay clean and effective for a loooong time !

Also, for deeper cleans, use NeoTac Hook-It, and/or Renew-It, Hook it is a deep cleaner that keeps shiny balls shiny and dull balls dull. Renew-It is also a deep cleaner, but has a polish in it, so you clean and slightly polish with each use.
Liquid Nitro after every set (this is like an everyday, energizer cleaner)
Hook it or Renew it every 3 weeks or so......
JEFFRebuilding my game one mid-500 series at a time !!
Edited on 2/7/2004 12:00 PM