I have a Neptune, and I must say that is is a true dry lane ball. I have a lot of hand and tend to have to throw the ball fairly hard on dry...or loft it...
Anyway, on medium oil, I throw a T-Struck or a Wrath XP from around 30 to around the 10 board. On dryer lanes, I must move about 5 boards right and speed up a bit...but then I go the Neptune...
This ball, even on dryer lanes, allowed me to play a lot straighter. Same release and speed, the Neptune has to be played from about 15 to 10 or straight down 10. Lacks the carry due to little entry angle, but when it's the only ball I can keep right of the headpin, I will take my chances...
Can be a tad flippy and is touchy on speed, not very forgiving, but it is a good ball to have in the bag...
When having trouble, just throw it harder!!!