Thanks Barry, and you are very welcome! To correct you on the title of our upcoming events to be held in Las Vegas they are called The 5 Point System to Better Bowling Seminar/Clinics I would hate to be mistaken for the Ebonite Demo Days where you only try and then buy the product.

Our goal is teach bowlers about bowling and help them improve their games so they can be more confident when choosing equipment and bowling in competition. We will be running 4-8 of these at all the centers in Las Vegas during the summer time probably in August. This is a wonderful 6-7 hour event to sign up for. You get 2 hours of seminar material where we teach you more about bowling balls, the Roto Grip Product Line, cores and coverstocks, etc... Then you also receive a lunch where you can sit and take a break after getting all that knowledge crammed in. From there you go down the the lanes where you will get 2 hours of on lane assistance at 5 different stations. Grip Analysis, Swing Analysis, Timing Analysis, Release & Arsenal Analysis. After that myself, Hank Boomershine & Tommy Delutz, Jr. will be on hand to answer questions about bowling balls and what all Roto Grip has to offer. The Las Vegas events will cost $225.00 each and you will receive a high performance bowling ball for signing up. Flyers will go out in a few weeks at all participating centers in Las Vegas. More information to come and if you have any other questions you can read up on this event under our past stories at The last one we ran was in Appleton, WI last December.
Roger Noordhoek
Technical & Customer
Services Manager
Roto Grip, Inc.
www.rotogrip.comFor all your Roto Grip Logo Merchandise please visit