Well im going to throw my praise for the cell into the ball reviews ring...thanks to roger for hooking me up with this ball...
I laid it out 5 x 3mb with a 3" pin buffer...this ball gives me the perfect combination of 3 things
Hook - This thing covers boards...and doesnt lose any energy, you ask it for more, it brings it.
Forgiveness - This ball just flat out gives me more room for error than any other ball on the market, even on a tougher shot...i can see why all the free agents on tour want one (or 10)
Power - The power and continuation at the pins is fantastic, lots of trip 4's, messengers, you name it...this ball is always rolling strong through the pin deck...just about every shot (unless i absolutely whiffed it at the bottom

This is one of the best balls i have throw, period...this ball will sell a ton, and i think this is just what roto needs to get back on top...


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