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Author Topic: The Cell: Initial impressions  (Read 10511 times)


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The Cell: Initial impressions
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:54:52 AM »
Wow!  Finally got a chance to throw it last night and I'm very impressed.  Decided to go with a familiar layout.  Pin 5" below ring, MB at 55* and hole on VAL through CG.   Box finish.   I love the color combo.

Now, how to describe the roll....Strong roll off the spot comes to mind.  No jerk but there is a change of direction and then just a heavy continuous roll.  Very controllable and it reads transition very well.  Used it on an overwalled house-shot where the scores were very low.  Extremely wet-dry (like hit 6 go runaway brooklyn...hit 7 smack 3 in face).  The Cell allowed me to cross into the dry but with a controlled roll off the spot.  But when I missed in a little, it still recovered.  It was very forgiving on a shot that is normally my nemesis because of my rotation.  Moves were very predictable.  Managed a 720 with a 262 sweep the last game (don't ask ).  

It should get some play the next week.  Lots of tournaments this weekend and through New Year's days so I'll have more info and comparisons later.  But the Cell, a solid covered ball that has some "angle" and continuation, will be a big hit for Roto.  

Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
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The SuperHitMan

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2007, 09:58:14 AM »
Nice review Chappy. Might get one for the lady...
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 06:42:00 AM »
I drilled the ball with the pin 5" from my PAP above the fingers and the MB 3" from my PAP the balance hole is small and on my midline.

I placed the ball on the determinator and noticed that the ball spun to the MB in 6" seconds stabilized and then moved on. The continuation of a Symmetric ball with the strong move of an Asymmetric.

Took it to the lanes: Box finish for the reviews below.

41' med wet THS - Phenomenal reaction same motion that I saw on the determinator. The continuation off of the spot was great.  THE BIG ADVANTAGE is that the ball did not jump when I missed into the dry.  It arced strongly but did not over hook.  The hit is very impressive, strong pin action.

PBA Shark 44'- I was anxious to try this ball on the new Shark pattern due to the fact that the new Shark pattern has a bit more friction wide of third arrow.  I have been using a 800 Horizon Solid with pin low 4"x4". The Cell was about 5 - 8 boards stronger than the Horizon with my feet and I did not have to alter my ball speed for this long pattern. The Cell will also be a great ball for carrydown.  This ball motion is strong.

PBA Cheetah 35' - The pattern was way too short for this ball with this layout. I could stand as far away from the edge as I wanted and as long as I got it to the 2-3 board it came back. Hit was huge.          

Overall - The continuation off of the spot is the most impressive part of this new monster.  The fact that I could use it in box form on both a THS and on Sharks says a lot for the cover on this ball.  Any one who has trouble getting a ball to finish will love this ball.

BTW my ball speed is in the 19 MPH range with a rev rate of about 350 - 375 .
Mike Sinek
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 06:43:48 AM »
I strongly suggest that low and medium rev players give this ball a look.
Mike Sinek
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 07:03:20 AM »
 Managed a 720 with a 262 sweep the last game.  
Anthony Chapman
Roto Grip Staff 2007

But, Anthony, you can do that with any ball!

Even I like what this ball sounds like, and only God knows how much I don't need another ball.


Decided to go with a familiar layout. Pin 5" below ring, MB at 55* and hole on VAL through CG. Box finish.

I'm getting to like that drill a lot also.
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Edited on 12/29/2007 8:04 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2007, 04:46:54 PM »
....only God knows how much I don't need another ball.

Not just God. Don't forget your spouse and all of your friends. But perhaps the Cell is finally the right ball. God knows all that non-Roto Grip stuff you keep trying isn't getting the job done. And it's not just me burning up the pattern either :-)

I've got to get Rick to post my latest arsenal picture to the TI website....


Hey, that Buzz I used 2 weeks ago did darned good. The Venus was the ball I had trouble with. He-he!
Changed the surface to 3000 grit, for next time!
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2007, 09:51:57 PM »
But, Anthony, you can do that with any ball!

But I wouldn't look as good

Used the Cell again today for 7 out of 8 games on a PBA Viper pattern and came away even more impressed.  This particular surface has a lot of friction in so hold never really develops.  Also, pair to pair moves were ridiculous (like 260 to 150) so scoring was very low. I managed 4th at 31 over and that's with 7 missed spares (don't ask).  Quite a few people were impressed with the few games where I was crossing 18 at the arrows out to 5 and getting recovery in the OB.  I was able to move all over with the Cell from hooking it near 4th arrow to up the back down 1st.  It pushed enough but where it really shined was how much it picked up in the midlane and continued.  It's been a long time since I've had a solid pick up like that and still recover.  Carry has been very impressive.

Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2007, 02:42:25 PM »
Have you continued to keep it at the out of box finish?

Yes.  Started out in box and haven't touched it since.  There is some lane polish but not as much as in the past for the solids I've used.
Anthony Chapman

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2007, 05:07:52 PM »

So this does not pick up lane shine as easly as the Epic line? Thank you
Todd Loy
Roto Grip King of Them All!!!!


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2007, 08:26:51 PM »
So this does not pick up lane shine as easly as the Epic line? Thank you

No, not that I've seen.  I have 10 games on it already since Thursday and it still looks like it has some surface.  Obviously not box, but not like 4000 or even shinier.  The  Odyssey and SD seemed to require more frequent hits with scotchbrite to keep the surface.  Maybe it's just me.  Hopefully others will chime in once it gets more play.
Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2007, 06:54:08 AM »
I ran the tournament Chap bowled Saturday and that ball was SCREAMING where the field was washing out or 2-8-10'ing. The Cell showed it had some real "gitty up", especially as the oil transitioned.
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2007, 08:27:59 AM »
I bowled at the same tournament achappy was off the hook with his Cell!!!  His tilt halps a lot.

I agree with Tony that so far I have not had to use the pads with the Cell and I have bowled 5 times with the Cell (twice on Shark)  It does not seem to shine up nearly as quickly as other balls.  I do however try to keep the ball clean. Reacta-Clean works well.

NOTE: The cover on the SD-73 is an older formula and requires a bit more maintainence than new covers.
Mike Sinek
Roto Grip Pro Shop Staff
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Mike Sinek
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2008, 12:24:30 PM »
would the cell be good for my up the back, medium speed release.  i bowl on a lot of wet-dry conditions where if i miss into the dry, it does not quite recover enough to carry.  i have tried a few of the premium releases from other companies and they have all been the same.  miss outside and they come back weak and i am shooting a ten pin.  maybe a good thing, lots of ten pin practice lately.  i have the venus and the neptune and they are great on drier conditions.  i like the pin down layouts, the earlier roll seems to be better for my speed and rev rate.
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2008, 04:14:40 PM »
ok you guys keep suckering me in . I have two questions . Is the cell the strongest haevy oil ball roto has put out . I have the battle and odyssey ,but still in soup i struggle . I am better playing up the boards keeping speed down ,but i dont think i could play any pba long patterns . I just bought a rising and its definitely not a heavy oiler in my hand. I really like my odyssey ,my battle is more a med ball than a heavy oiler.
    Second question how should i drill it . my odyssey is set up with 4 in. pin to pap drilled under the ring finger with mb at 45 degrees . this is a good drill with good ball motion and good carry thinking of having the cell drilled the same . if i go any closer pin to pap strong balls tend to burn up on me. Low speed low rev player med track and can pretty much play ant part of the lane.Except reverse block, hard for me to keep the ball inside of 10 without going through the nose. And non of my equipment has the recovery if i miss into the oob.

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2008, 07:47:31 PM »

I just got my Cell drilled today and for me,( Med revs med speed, stroker) it is definately stronger than my Odyssey and earlier and more continious than my Battle. For me this is the first reactive that I have thrown that is this strong... I have mine laid out pin @ 3.5 inch from pap with a 45 degree layout, strong and continious. I want some long oil to throw this monster on!!!!!!!!
Todd Loy
Roto Grip King of Them All!!!!