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Author Topic: The Cell: Initial impressions  (Read 10514 times)


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The Cell: Initial impressions
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:54:52 AM »
Wow!  Finally got a chance to throw it last night and I'm very impressed.  Decided to go with a familiar layout.  Pin 5" below ring, MB at 55* and hole on VAL through CG.   Box finish.   I love the color combo.

Now, how to describe the roll....Strong roll off the spot comes to mind.  No jerk but there is a change of direction and then just a heavy continuous roll.  Very controllable and it reads transition very well.  Used it on an overwalled house-shot where the scores were very low.  Extremely wet-dry (like hit 6 go runaway brooklyn...hit 7 smack 3 in face).  The Cell allowed me to cross into the dry but with a controlled roll off the spot.  But when I missed in a little, it still recovered.  It was very forgiving on a shot that is normally my nemesis because of my rotation.  Moves were very predictable.  Managed a 720 with a 262 sweep the last game (don't ask ).  

It should get some play the next week.  Lots of tournaments this weekend and through New Year's days so I'll have more info and comparisons later.  But the Cell, a solid covered ball that has some "angle" and continuation, will be a big hit for Roto.  

Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #46 on: January 13, 2008, 04:43:16 PM »
u guys got me again.I had my cell drilled just like my odyssey. From all the reviews i was expecting something really special. No over under heavy oil ball ,versatile ,use on many conditions,blah blah blah blah .Just as much a dud as the battle in heavy oil. this ball doesnt come close to the move my odyssey has. I left so many 10 pins solid 8's pocket splits it wasnt even funny. I only thru my odyssey to compare .I intentionally kept using the cell . Playing different lines different hand positions .You name it i tryed it.Hand s down it doesnt come close to the odyssey. As much of a let down in heavy oil as the rising was and the battle and every other ball i have bought for heavy. Ok i can probably take the surface down ,but most of you guys are saying it was too strong at oob. So whats the point .This is the absolute last new ball i buy based on reviews and recommendations. Someone in this thread said they strongly recommened this ball for rev and speed challenged bowlers . I got sucked right in .Once again i had the better ball already. I am not even going to waste the time sanding it down . I am sure i wont be able to use it on the house shots we see either cause it will be too strong with loads of over /under. And on top of that i paid 20 dollars more for it than i would have had i waited 2 days.I knew i should have passed when someone refered to it as having a morich type move. my wmb is sitting in the garage and will be there until i sell it. I couldnt wait to bowl today . And for what .To see that once again i dont match up to whats supposed to be a great ball.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Your post has me all kinds of confused.  First off, you blame the users here for your bad decision/ball reaction.  Just because you don't match up with a ball doesn't mean it is a bad ball.  And speaking of matching tried it on exactly 1 oil pattern with 1 layout and 1 surface and you are ripping the ball?!?!  You're such a good bowler that you can already tell that there's no way it will work on anything else with any other surface prep.  If your Odyssey was working so well for you, then why try another ball to do the job better?  It might be time for you to re-evaluate your bowling decisions.  If you keep making the same bad decisions in equipment, then that is on you, not anyone else.  

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #47 on: January 13, 2008, 10:24:50 PM »
Been hearing too many good things about this ball. Will have to get one myself.

Mustang Guy

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #48 on: January 14, 2008, 12:43:46 PM »

Sorry to hear you aren't happy with the Cell.  I'm sure you are just frustrated in your quest to find a ball that works for you where you bowl.

I don't think the issue here is that it didn't match up to you.  By reading your post you have struggled with the battle, odyssey, WMB, and a few other balls in heavy oil.  I don't think you are going to find "that" ball to work at the house you are bowling at with the amount of oil they lay down on the lanes.  Most of the balls you mentioned have and do work for other bowlers with other styles on heavier patterns.  As 1 person stated on the Shark pattern the Cell rolled significantly well for Wiseman.

More than likey the best advise I can offer is to try to work on your ball speed and/or rev rate so you have some better luck using the equipment you are investing money in.  

Wish you the best.
Roger Noordhoek
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Roto Grip, Inc.

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Rotoman Dan

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #49 on: January 14, 2008, 01:22:33 PM »
toomanytenpins -

I am sure that this has been asked of you before, but how about posting a video with you throwing a few shots with both the Odyssey and the Cell?  Perhaps then we can get to the bottom of what is the issue.    

How about it?  Can you post a video somewhere, youtube or something?



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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #50 on: January 14, 2008, 04:01:35 PM »

Or its possible he is not on heavy oil. Of all those extremely aggressive balls, I have a very hard time believing none of them work. Something just doesn't add up. I know this is echoed a lot on this board, but you should seriously consider investing in some coaching.
Mea Culpa
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #51 on: January 14, 2008, 04:22:01 PM »

You have to take these reviews with a grain of salt.

One their not going to say anything bad about a ball.  

Two I'm willing to bet all of these guys can't throw a bad ball.  Meaning their revs and speed match they make everything look good.

Myself have found a ball that matches up well for me (epic).  I have spent a couple of thousand dollars trying to find something better.  The core and cover just seem to match up with my style.  My advice would be to quit trying to find better and buy another odyssey for when they discontinue it.

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2008, 04:22:19 PM »
cheap and easy way to answer this one, what are the guys with a similar style to yours throwing? If its uber aggressive and it works for them, then ok, if its a pearl or a weaker ball.... well then you might be missing something.


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2008, 06:07:18 PM »
ok first of i didnt mean to offend anyone .The house plays a reverse block woth longer oil outside of ten drier in the middle. I never said i had no success with the odyssey ,just the opposite. It is however at about 400 grit.the odyssey is my all time fav roto ball never say anything bad about it.
   Other balls being thrown ,rising resurgence,mammouth,every agent,scorchin troad solid,big one nv,just to name a few. And for the most part everything being thrown has more surface than oob.
    Why i keep buying balls,because i am curious.Not neccessarily to make me a better bowler. I would like to make love to every beautiful womam i see and if i could for 150 a piece i probably would,since i cant i buy balls,and dont act like i am the only one. I am looking for the wow i got from my odyssey and my epic. for the wow i get from my rising. So i read and i get curious and i buy a ball. as far as a video,i know i have flaws i am a 190 bowler 1 less open from a 200 bowler so my game is not pba ,but for the most part i am ok. I intentionally thru the cell yesterday to see what if anything i could do with it. Not because i was looking for it to save me. I could have shot the odyssey and done well.
    Took the ball out agin last night and we had more oil than usual but nothing like sunday morning. I thru 4 straight washouts. I was honeslty expecting a monstor hook from the ball. I picked up my rising as was able to line up and bowl well. I was expecting the hook i get from my rising with the cell on heavier oil. I was expecting the hook i get from my odyssey only stronger. Didnt get it .Not even close the same line i shot with my rising and struck i got a washout with the cell. the same line i played with my odyssey sunday morning and left a 7 pin i got a washout with the cell.
    Now since i just got the ball and i really hadnt gotten a feel for it i went to the lanes today and what i see in the cell is a ball that doesnt move alot of boards ,but it covers them with vigor. I was playing the cell and pluto in the same area and actually had to give the pluto more room. three boards difference with the feet and the pluto is drilled pin up . I know not enough oil; i might agree except that the cell was striking very conviningly from this spot. when i moved left to see what it would do it did nothing. Move back right and 10 in the pit. this is not what i expected. So imho from what i see is a ball that doesnt give a ton of hook ,but given its line to the pocket which is tight for me it is continuos on the back thru the pin deck but if i miss right it wont recover and thats what i saw all day sunday. even when i squared up with it in the oil or on the track line it went 60 ft. when i moved right with the feet i couldnt keep it online ,(hard for me to point). Today on this 38 ft. house shot i was standing 22 with the left foot hitting 15 at the arrows out to 10/12 and it carried. If i missed left it would hold and strike if i missed right it wasnt a washout ,but it wasnt getting back to the 1 3 with any authority. I am sure i could take it down in surface and it might be better suited for heavy oil,but at 2000 this is the same surface  the odyssey came at and on this same shot i would stand 35 with the feet with the odyssey and have a 3 to 5 board window. And remmember i was playing the pluto 3 boards left of where i was playing the cell. My ball speed today was between 14 and 15.5 yesterday i was throwing 11 and 12.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #54 on: January 14, 2008, 06:08:56 PM »
and no i wasnt implying anyone would bolster a ball in a review to get people to buy it.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #55 on: January 14, 2008, 06:14:44 PM »
one last thing and i am done,of all the balls and bowlers in this league the rule of thumb is point to the pocket . Not alot of bellying going on .the slower the better ,the straighter the better. I tried to see if the cell was something special ,i found out its not,not saying its not a good ball ,it is round.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling

Rotoman Dan

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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #56 on: January 14, 2008, 08:19:22 PM »
TMTP, the video isn't to criticize your was so that we can see the ball reaction and let you know what's happening.  It would be relatively easy to see the ball reaction with a nice quality video from a friend of yours who could video the ball as it travels from the foul line through the pins.  

Do you want help, or do you just want to be upset that the ball you bought isn't working the way you thought it would?  It's up to you, but what have you got to lose by giving us a video of your ball reaction?

Another question I have, is there another center near you that DOESN'T have a reverse block put out that you could throw at?  I'd be curious to know what your results are at a different house that puts out a more typical house shot(THS) with drier outsides and wetter in the middle.


Edited on 1/14/2008 9:20 PM


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #57 on: January 14, 2008, 09:06:45 PM »
i mentioned results from 2 other houses in the post above yours . both were regular one was fresh league and the other was not fresh but very playable the one today is where i noticed the ball doesnt cover alot of boards.I would of course like help and o am not upset its just another ball i was only voicing my opinion . my comment about you guys getting me again was a joke . I do buy most of my equipment based on what i read here. some are just hit or miss. as far as the video ,i am gonna work on it.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling


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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #58 on: January 15, 2008, 10:42:58 AM »
Would the cell be good for my up the back, medium speed release?

Anthony has more time on his Cell -- perhaps he and some of the other staffers with pro shops will comment too. Although I'm not sure Anthony know's what "up the back of the ball" looks like :-)

Sorry I'm just seeing this as I've been on vacation buy hey, I can come up the back of it to about 30*  Although my E game is up the back, the few games I had a chance to do it still recovered pretty well.  I normally have to miss left but the Cell gave me some miss right. So I think it should match well with low rotation/med speed players.

When I put tape on the MB to watch it's migration, it was strong and steady.  It's like the core maintains it's tilt which is why it recovers so well and continues.
Anthony Chapman

Roto Grip Staff 2007
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #59 on: January 18, 2008, 07:54:41 PM »
ok, 15# cell with 2.5" pin, had tenpinspro drill the suggested 4X4, layout B.  with my pap, ended up with ring finger through the pin and MB about 1.5" to the right of thumb.  left oob.  tried it at older synthetic house just before the evening oiling.  senior leagues and open play before me, but lots of oil to left of third arrow.  started first with a pin up rising standing 30 targeting 10 just to establish a beginning point.  rising was smashing with this starting position and angle.  switched to cell and immediately had to make a 10/5 move because it was hooking too early.  after i moved in deeper, ball just rolled up and smashed.  very impressive.  will report again after i try it on a fresher shot with more oil.
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Re: The Cell: Initial impressions
« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2008, 01:09:35 AM »
ok, 15# cell with 2.5" pin, had tenpinspro drill the suggested 4X4, layout B.  with my pap, ended up with ring finger through the pin and MB about 1.5" to the right of thumb.  left oob.  tried it at older synthetic house just before the evening oiling.  senior leagues and open play before me, but lots of oil to left of third arrow.  started first with a pin up rising standing 30 targeting 10 just to establish a beginning point.  rising was smashing with this starting position and angle.  switched to cell and immediately had to make a 10/5 move because it was hooking too early.  after i moved in deeper, ball just rolled up and smashed.  very impressive.  will report again after i try it on a fresher shot with more oil.
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How do you stand on 30 and target 10? Is it possible to stand this far from your target?
Mea Culpa

Edited on 1/19/2008 2:34 AM
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