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Author Topic: Theory Pearl???????  (Read 1697 times)

john rambo

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Theory Pearl???????
« on: January 07, 2011, 06:46:49 AM »
Does anyone know when and if Roto Grip will release a Theory Pearl??



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Re: Theory Pearl???????
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2011, 03:16:40 PM »
Its very typical for a pearl version to follow the solid version if it sells well and thus far the Theory has. I would give it a couple months but i'm sure Roto will come out with one, just look at the previous highend balls, the Cell came first then the Cell Pearl, and the same for the Mutant Cell, its just a matter of time and no one besides the guys that work for Roto have any idea what time frame that may be.

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Re: Theory Pearl???????
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2011, 03:20:30 PM »
Wow that was fast. I figured there would at least be a couple more months before this came up. Eventually Roto will be replacing the Mutant Cell Pearl and it will probably be a Theory Pearl if the ball does well. But I doubt we will see that this season. If there are going to be ball moves from Roto it will probably start with the Rogue Cell being retired and then most likely I  would expect a new value ball from them. With an addition to the Crown and Sword line recently I would not expect more there for a little while. Roto's model tends towards a strong, wide line up for ball options but balls usually get at least a year run before being replaced.

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Re: Theory Pearl???????
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2011, 03:32:11 PM »
If and when Roto grip does release a pearl theory, it would most likely fit between the storm Second dimension and Anarchy. Just an idea though based off from the reviews so far of the theory:)

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Re: Theory Pearl???????
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2011, 09:44:29 PM »
While I really like my Theory, I really like my Anarchy as well. Not sure I would be all that interested in a Theory pearl. I would like to pick up a Marvel to compare to the VG I used to own and the Theory. FYI, I am finding what others here have stated regarding the Theory, the cover needs a LOT of maintenance. I don't see that with the Anarchy at all. So I'd like to see the reaction and maintenance required on a Marvel.