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Author Topic: Threw an old Roto-Star X-4 yesterday.  (Read 1042 times)


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Threw an old Roto-Star X-4 yesterday.
« on: April 08, 2007, 04:15:17 AM »
My girlfriend's dad drug some old equipment out of the closet and we went bowling yesterday.  Turns out he has an old Roto Star X-4 that used to be his benchmark ball.  I got a few throws in with it, and it was a lot stronger than I thought it would be.

It was pretty cool to throw a Roto ball that's at least 25 years old.
Idiot Quote of the Century: Rosie O'Donnell speaking about the WTC Attacks, "There had to be bombs planted in WTC Building 7, because fire can't melt steel.  This has got to be the first case in history where fire melted steel."