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Author Topic: UFO  (Read 5574 times)


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« on: January 10, 2020, 06:20:35 PM »
The UFO is the newest ball coming from Roto Grip. It features a brand new core with a MicroTrax S20 cover. Out of the box the UFO is EARLY and STRONG. This will no doubt be the strongest ball in your bag. That doesn’t necessarily mean its only use will be on heavy oil.  Soupy house conditions will favor this ball because it has the potential to blend the wet dry. When you pull it just a little, it retains enough shape to get the weak 7 or 10 out and when you leak it to the outside of your target, it doesn’t boomerang off of the friction. I anticipate this will be a great ball for the first game of league. When the lanes begin to transition, you can change to the Halo or Idol which will give you more shape downlane. Rev dominant players and low speed players should be cautious when drilling this piece. It is VERY strong. I cannot say that enough. For the tournament players, this ball will be great on heavy volume patterns and on shorter patterns. Saying that the UFO can be used on both long and short seems contradictory, but it is not. The UFO is strong enough that it will be good on the heavy volume patterns because it will pick up in the oil. At the same time, on short patterns bowling balls that are strong and slow blend out the extreme dry downlane. The UFO will burn up enough on short patterns and will allow you to control the pocket. As compared to other Storm and Roto balls, the UFO is the strongest piece we make. In my opinion It is earlier and slower than a Crux Prime. It is also earlier and slower than a Gravity Evolve. The UFO is similar in shape to an Idol but is about a zone stronger.



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« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2020, 10:40:17 PM »
It may be a great ball but they should have come up with a better color scheme. This ball looks horrible to me. :-\
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« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2020, 11:59:47 PM »
I think it is very nice color scheme. The All Road from Storm is an ugly ball to me, however.
Current Arsenal: Storm Absolute Power, Storm Absolute, Storm Summit, Storm Summit Ascent, Storm Journey, and Storm Road Warrior


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« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2020, 09:06:15 AM »
It may be a great ball but they should have come up with a better color scheme. This ball looks horrible to me. :-\

Green is a beautiful color.


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« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2020, 10:05:52 AM »
I like the green mixed with the other colors on the Scandal Pearl.  The problem with this ball is neon green doesn't look good mixed with baby blue to many people.  Performance wise going to be amazing I am sure but way too much ball for me.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 10:08:05 AM by BowlingForDonuts »
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« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2020, 11:24:18 PM »
All balls should be mono color and look like house balls!


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« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2020, 09:01:32 AM »
Having seen the UFO in person, it is a good looking ball.  Very reminiscent of the Storm Marvel-S. 

The marketing of this ball, however, is kind of questionable.  Roto Grip talks about "cavities" in the core to mimic balance holes.  However, voids in a ball are illegal so there are technically no cavities at all after the filler material fills them in.  So what you are left with is a light bulb core, with pre-filled holes to create asymmetry.  Interesting concept, and early reviews are positive.  It could have been marketed a little better from a technical standpoint.


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« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2020, 09:48:57 AM »
Having seen the UFO in person, it is a good looking ball.  Very reminiscent of the Storm Marvel-S. 

The marketing of this ball, however, is kind of questionable.  Roto Grip talks about "cavities" in the core to mimic balance holes.  However, voids in a ball are illegal so there are technically no cavities at all after the filler material fills them in.  So what you are left with is a light bulb core, with pre-filled holes to create asymmetry.  Interesting concept, and early reviews are positive.  It could have been marketed a little better from a technical standpoint.

It probably depends on how USBC defines a cavity. If you look at a picture of the Motive Impulse and High Impulse weight blocks(Used on the Primal series and Supra), there are cavities in those cores. I assume the USBC rule means there can't be a void on the interior of the ball completely surrounded by core material, like a tennis ball rather than like a cavity in a tooth.
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« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2020, 12:45:27 PM »
Having seen the UFO in person, it is a good looking ball.  Very reminiscent of the Storm Marvel-S. 

The marketing of this ball, however, is kind of questionable.  Roto Grip talks about "cavities" in the core to mimic balance holes.  However, voids in a ball are illegal so there are technically no cavities at all after the filler material fills them in.  So what you are left with is a light bulb core, with pre-filled holes to create asymmetry.  Interesting concept, and early reviews are positive.  It could have been marketed a little better from a technical standpoint.

It probably depends on how USBC defines a cavity. If you look at a picture of the Motive Impulse and High Impulse weight blocks(Used on the Primal series and Supra), there are cavities in those cores. I assume the USBC rule means there can't be a void on the interior of the ball completely surrounded by core material, like a tennis ball rather than like a cavity in a tooth.

I actually emailed the USBC about the cavities, and they stated that any void is illegal, however during the manufacturing process all cavities and voids get filled by the filler material leaving the ball totally solid. 

They stated:
"Thank you for your e-mail. While there are cavities designed into the inner core shape, the outer core material fills those cavities during the core production process so there are no actual voids left in the ball.  Voids are not allowed in a ball, that is outlined in the USBC Equipment Specifications and Certifications Manual. In order to be approved, a product has to meet the requirements laid out in the Specs manual."


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UFO has landed!
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2020, 07:01:26 PM »
Weight:  14 lbs.
Pin Length:  4”
Drilling:  60x4x65
Pattern Length: 40 ft.
Pattern Volume:  Medium
Pattern Type:  House and modified house
Right Handed

The UFO has the new Micro Trax S20 solid reactive coverstock wrapped around the E.T.(equalizer technology) Core and comes out of the box at 2000 grit, but can be polished. The flare potential on this ball is high.  It is a nice Deep Purple/Baby Blue/Neon Green color.

I have used the UFO on house patterns and modified house patterns in a variety of houses in local tournaments and league.

I drilled my UFO with the pin down, for a different look than my Halo Vision.  This ball hooks!  It retains plenty of energy coming off the patterns I used it on.   It gives me a very strong, but smooth motion with the pin down drilling.  Nothing skid/flippy here.

This is a great starting ball on heavier oil patterns, or a great ball to go to when experiencing carry down.  I also find it gives me help when i need to move in to a fresh part of the lane, when experiencing burn.

If you’re looking for a strong, starting ball on heavier patterns, or a carry down transitional ball, the UFO will not disappoint.  I’ve also tried hitting it with a little polish and was able to use it on the lighter, league house pattern.  Great versatility for such a strong ball! 

Carol Teel
Roto Grip Amateur Staff Member


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Roto Grip UFO
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2020, 09:36:36 AM »
Roto Grip’s newest HP4 line ball comes with a brand new core design and cover.  The E.T. Core comes with an RG of 2.52, differential of 0.054 and PSA Differential of 0.016 and the MircoTrax-S20 Solid cover stock. I drilled mine 5 x 5 x 2, and I instantly fell in love with this ball motion. Typically I don’t use a lot of Asymmertical solids because they either hook too much or burn up to quickly if I’m not bowling on a longer pattern but with the higher RG in the UFO, I don’t really see burn at all. It’s about 3-4 longer than the Gravity Evolve with more response down lane but because of the solid cover stock, I am still able to use this ball on the fresh in some cases.  This ball will be a staple in my bag on patterns greater than 41 ft as a number 1 or 2 ball in my bag and with USBC’s coming up, I can see a lot of these going down the lane.

Beaver Pelts

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« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2020, 04:39:45 PM »
I just got the UFO and part of the reason I got one is that it has a color scheme which closely resembles the Storm Vivid which I had. It's the only ball that cracked for me. Both balls are Nano types with very similar specs. I like what I've seen thus far from the UFO. Got down the lane pretty well even with my relatively slower speed and it grabbed the friction downlane like crazy.

Need more time to get used to this kind of motion and power. Took out a 3000 grit pad to it today and will see if that comes it down a bit for house shots... :)

Having seen the UFO in person, it is a good looking ball.  Very reminiscent of the Storm Marvel-S. 

The marketing of this ball, however, is kind of questionable.  Roto Grip talks about "cavities" in the core to mimic balance holes.  However, voids in a ball are illegal so there are technically no cavities at all after the filler material fills them in.  So what you are left with is a light bulb core, with pre-filled holes to create asymmetry.  Interesting concept, and early reviews are positive.  It could have been marketed a little better from a technical standpoint.


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« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2020, 07:38:35 AM »
I still can't understand why people drill stuff like the UFO for their beer league shot.  I get the "shiny new toy" thing .... but c'mon man !!  All people do is start too far left, wreck the pattern, and wonder why they average 190.   :o
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 07:40:57 AM by BeerLeague »


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« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2020, 08:36:32 AM »
I still can't understand why people drill stuff like the UFO for their beer league shot.  I get the "shiny new toy" thing .... but c'mon man !!  All people do is start too far left, wreck the pattern, and wonder why they average 190.   :o

Yes and no.

I agree that for most house hacks there are better tools to score on a house shot.  There's nothing worse than watching someone leave flat corner pins consistently with a high priced toy...

However, there are some house shots where there is a defined cliff between a huge puddle of oil in the middle and bone dry on the outside.  Balls like the UFO allow you to get in and play in the puddle while giving you miss room to the outside where the ball is not going to turn sideways and overreact.  I endorse surface/stronger equipment when this is the case. 


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« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2020, 08:40:33 AM »
Well, the pattern is going to change regardless of what is being thrown when there are up to 10 people crossing the pair over the course of 3 games.  Much of the challenge in bowling is recognizing, and adjusting for, pattern changes throughout the night.  Most bowlers in the social leagues around here would love to average 190.  They just have fun sending it right and watching it come screaming back.

I totally agree that there are bowlers buying stuff like the UFO when they would do perfectly fine (or better) with a Roto MVP or a Storm Super Son!Q.  PSOs can try all they want to sell a ball that actually fits the bowler's style and where they bowl, but when someone has it in their mind they want a UFO there isn't much the PSO can do except sell them the UFO.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 08:42:47 AM by Bowler19525 »