The UFO Alert is the 2nd release in the HP4 line with the ET Core along with the E-Trax Hybrid coverstock. I drilled mine with a 55 x 5 x 45 drilling which is the same drilling I have on the RST X-1. Comparative to the two, the UFO Alert is cleaner while still maintaining the more continuous shape on the backend. The Alert also gives a little more angularity as well so it is a very good compliment to the RST X-1. Comparing the Alert with the UFO, there is a definite more defined difference in the backend. Since the two balls share the same core, the midlane roll is very similar but the two coverstocks make the biggest difference. The UFO Alert is again cleaner while still giving a smoother reaction in the midlane. The Alert is a great step down from either the UFO or the RST X-1. Compared to the Nuclear Cell, the Alert will be earlier rolling and slightly smoother in the backend due to the hybrid coverstock.