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Author Topic: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal  (Read 1263 times)


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Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« on: March 04, 2008, 07:49:09 AM »
My teenage daughter is a very good high school bowler whom we have high hopes of her going to college on a bowling scholarship.  Over the past year and a half she has decided that Roto Grip balls seem to match her game best, and at this point all she owns is Roto Grip (with the exception of her spare ball).

She is a slower speed bowler (working on getting another mph or two for power sake) who is very consistant with her release and accuracy.  I'd call her a slower speed tweener as she typically plays a loop.

We were talking the other day about revamping her arsenal for her Junior year and I thought it would be worth the while to ask this forum for some additional thoughts.  Today she has the following lineup:

*Epic Odyssey - this is her strongest overall ball
*Epic Quest - this ball can be described in one word for her - smooth
*Epic Saga - this has been her go-to (read benchmark) ball for a long time but after two resurfaces it may be a time for a new medium ball
* Mercury - good but not great lighter oil ball;  this ball seems to have carry issues for her.

I was thinking that she should keep her Odyssey and her Quest as these balls still seem to give her a consistant heavy to medium-heavy choices that she is confident in.  The benchmark ball is still up in the air.  I think I can still find a good spec. Saga but I was thinking about an Illusion in that place.  As far as the Mercury is concerned I was assuming if we replaced that with a Neptune that would also be a good fit.

The only real hole in her current line up as far as I'm concerned is I am a big fan of having at least one pearl particle to give you a different look.  I am guessing a Venus would be the best fit there but I'd be open to being convinced into a Mystic.

Any and all thoughts are welcome.  Thanks.

Edited on 3/4/2008 4:49 PM



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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2008, 04:36:58 PM »


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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2008, 04:42:43 PM »
Recently discontinued, but if you can find them, consider the Horizon Solid to fill the benchmark spot.  Don't know what weight your daughter throws, but look around, you may be able to find one.

I agree that a particle pearl is a good choice.  You can't go wrong with either the Venus or the Mystic.  I have both, and on a THS, the Venus can't be beat.  Don't know if it would be strong enough, especially if she bowls on patterns more difficult than a THS, so maybe consider the Mystic. Hope this helps.
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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2008, 09:24:30 PM »
Thanks for the input.  So you consider the Venus to be a good THS ball and the Mystic to be a better sport shot ball?  If that is the case maybe the Mystic is the way to go.  She has plenty of house shot stuff, tournament sport shot is really the target.

In answer to your other question she throws 14lb equipment.  I will look into the Horizon Solid.


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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2008, 10:17:06 PM »
I have never thrown RotoGrip but the Cell is one of the hottest balls on the market. I would look into that if I were you.


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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 08:26:12 AM »
I've drilled a couple of Cells in the past few weeks and I agree it's a great ball.  However, since we are probably going to keep her Odyssey for now I don't know that a Cell is going to fill in the holes.

I am really looking at the benchmark / medium spot and a good pearl particle for sport shots.  Sounds like Horizon Solid and Mystic might be the way to go?


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Re: Updating a Roto Grip Arsenal
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 08:33:47 AM »
Horizon Solid would be an ideal choice for a benchmark ball as that is what I currently use. In fact have two of them and really are something else for me.

I never did really find a niche for my Mystic and gave it to a friend. My Horizon Solid was very similiar to my Mystic in reaction believe it or not...

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