I tend to agree with Tloy's observation of the two balls. The Venus is definitely closer to the Mystic in strength and volume of oil handling.
I have three Ultras and two Mystics, and have thrown the Venus. I generally have gone more direct with the Ultras. But having said that, with surface modifications, two of my Ultras are very much capable of turning the corner,since they have a little more solid material in their pearlized/solid blend covers. This ball was a sleeper in my opinion, very good on some medium conditions, since you got a lot more midlane predictability.
But still, that planet core is strong, so I'd have to say that the Venus is closer to the Mystic, and the cover more able to be used on a variety of conditions.
In direct comparison, I'd say I use the Ultra on dryish, lite oil, and lite medium conditions(transitioning).Whereas the Venus could be used on lite oil, medium and some medium hvy conditions, with no loss of hitting power. So there is definite overlap, but just depends on what you like to look at going down the lane.

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Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.