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Author Topic: Weaker pearl or solids?  (Read 1008 times)

Rc Charger

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Weaker pearl or solids?
« on: April 02, 2008, 01:46:30 PM »
The wife is bowling in ladies and legends again (senoir pro tourney) and since she loves her cell I need some info on weaker pearls or solids in roto's arsenal.  The pattern is 41 ft, my wife has a high track with 13 -14 mph I'm looking for somthing to keep her to the outside of the lane longer and smoother.  You all are the Roto gurus so please give me some advice.  Thanks to all the reply




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Re: Weaker pearl or solids?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2008, 09:12:18 AM »
I'm not sure if I can help since my ball speed is so much higher and probably have a lower track but I have 3 RG Particle Pearl balls, all with symmetrical cores that I enjoy throwing and have had fairly good success with.  

RSP:  5" Pin, drilled 4X3 with the pin up. Starts up the earliest of the 3 even with the cover adjusted and with polish. I don't match up very good on short patterns or wood lanes with this ball. But once the ball comes out of the oil and hits the dry, it has a nice strong movement. I had a pretty good shot with this ball on the Shark pattern during the Sport League last summer.

Mystic: 2.5" Pin, drilled 4.5X4 with pin up and btwn fingers. Cover: OOB. I see a nice long look with a strong movement at the breakpoint. I think the movement is the strongest of the 3. I've been able to use this ball on long and short patterns, wood or synthetic lanes. What I noticed with this ball is carry potential. I might be imagining this but I think the strong continuation when the ball gets to the pins just seems to carry alot more strikes than I've experienced with other balls.

Venus: 2.5" Pin, drilled identical to the Mystic. Cover: OOB. I drill this identical to the Mystic because based on the numbers I thought it would be for drier, lighter oil but it's alot stronger than I thought. It seems to pick up sooner than the Mystic but the move isn't as strong so the total boards covered are fairly close, just a different way to getting their. I've adjusted the cover to 4000 with polish but haven't had a chance to try it out yet to see if that change will put the ball where I want/need.

I also have an Odyssey that has taken me a couple drills and cover adjustments to match up to my game at one house so I have to continue to experiment to see if it will be effective at other places.

I also have a Silver Streak Pearl that I haven't used lately because it's more of a go long/flip look for me and I'm starting to pick/drill balls that are more controllable.

Sorry for the rambling but hope it helps out. // Jim


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Re: Weaker pearl or solids?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 08:48:47 AM »
  Shame on you for not asking me about this.  I'll forgive you this time.  I've got some ideas in mind for her.  What layout did you put on her Cell?  I did bowl with her a few weeks back and watched her reaction like you asked but never saw the layout or got around to telling you my thoughts.  I know on that day there wasn't enough oil...

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