Don is correct. It is a strong mass bias ball, that needs a proper setup for your style and needs.
An example what can happen. I just saw last weekend what poor drilling can make out of a good ball - a teammate used his brand new Attitude Shift on an oily shot. The ball driller was told to "set the ball up strong" - what he did, but IMHO without paying any intention to my teammate's style. He has a medium to low track, rather a spinner type.
But the pin ended up less than 3" from the PAP, high above at 2 o'clock of the ring finger. CG looks stacked, plus a small but deep weight hole to get this back to legal somehow, and the MB/key marker ended up at the right side of the thumb hole. My teammate told me that the driller admitted that he'd never drilled a AS before, and that's just what it looked like

Well, the ball does not have a back end at all. It hooks, yes, but continously and in the raer thrid of the lane somehow "gives up", lacking pressure. I checked the ball reaction from far, and in fact this AS does not stabilize around the mass bias as it should. No, it rolls "around" the pin. The ball workls, somehow, but not as intended, and IMHO it needs a plugging and re-drilling with a bigger pin-to-PAP distance.
So, beware that your ball driller knows what he does. Let him check your style, watch you play, discuss what the ball is supposed to do and hope that he knows how to set up strong MB balls

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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Edited on 2/19/2008 3:32 AM