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what a present
« on: February 18, 2008, 02:55:50 PM »
got the cell for my birthday. did not expect that at all. man im very happy! my drilling would you recommend. im left handed stroker with medium revs and about 14mph speed. bowl on medium oil dont know pap
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Re: what a present
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2008, 02:06:00 AM »
Congrats on the great present.  The first thing you should do is go to a reputable shop in your area that will take the time to watch you bowl and find your PAP, axis tilt, and axis rotation.  This way he can optimize the ball reaction for YOU based on your specs and lane conditions you intend to use the Cell on.  Even with that information, the good people here would only be able to give you a rough guesstimate of a layout that MIGHT work for you.  Good luck.

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Re: what a present
« Reply #2 on: February 19, 2008, 02:29:27 AM »
Don is correct. It is a strong mass bias ball, that needs a proper setup for your style and needs.

An example what can happen. I just saw last weekend what poor drilling can make out of a good ball - a teammate used his brand new Attitude Shift on an oily shot. The ball driller was told to "set the ball up strong" - what he did, but IMHO without paying any intention to my teammate's style. He has a medium to low track, rather a spinner type.
But the pin ended up less than 3" from the PAP, high above at 2 o'clock of the ring finger. CG looks stacked, plus a small but deep weight hole to get this back to legal somehow, and the MB/key marker ended up at the right side of the thumb hole. My teammate told me that the driller admitted that he'd never drilled a AS before, and that's just what it looked like

Well, the ball does not have a back end at all. It hooks, yes, but continously and in the raer thrid of the lane somehow "gives up", lacking pressure. I checked the ball reaction from far, and in fact this AS does not stabilize around the mass bias as it should. No, it rolls "around" the pin. The ball workls, somehow, but not as intended, and IMHO it needs a plugging and re-drilling with a bigger pin-to-PAP distance.

So, beware that your ball driller knows what he does. Let him check your style, watch you play, discuss what the ball is supposed to do and hope that he knows how to set up strong MB balls
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Edited on 2/19/2008 3:32 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: what a present
« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2008, 05:15:32 AM »

This is a major problem with every 200+ bowler who thinks he wants to be a driller: too freaking lazy and too daened arrogant to read the f***ing instructions.

He should buy your teammate a new ball!

The Cell is only a relatively strong Mass Bias ball. It is nowhere near as strong as MoRich MBs or Ebo/Hammer MBs. Most STorm mass bias alls are alos much stronger. The ATtitude is unusual because while the 15 lb has a strong mass bias rating of .022", their 16 lb and 14 lb mass bias rating is "only" as strong as the Cell's .017".

While the Cell and these medium-strong Mass bias balls MUST still be drilled specifically for the owler's PAP and other specifications, their MB ratings means they are less rigid in their applications and will have more continuation through the pin deck than balls with higher MB ratings.

NOTE that MoRich's new ball, the "Solid LevRG" (different from the original LevRG) has a much lower MB rating than the previous two LevRG, around .024", and has a lower RG Differential and a higher, but not high RG of 2.53" relative to many of their previous balls. MoRIch's claim is this new ball has more continuation than previous LevRgs. I think they're taking a page out of Roto-Grip's book. The balls with very high MB ratings have a very strong change of direction even in oil, but they often do not have much continuation. when lanes got too dry, I had left a couple of 5/7s when my LevRG burnt up and it just barely started to get too dry for it. I think that's ridiculous; I had not left any 5/7s in 20+ years. Even with a re-drilled MB moved next to the Thumbhole, the LevRg used up all its energy very quickly within one league set.

Bye-bye LevRg, Hello Cell!
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Re: what a present
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2008, 07:10:04 AM »
CharlesT, your are right, as per usual - and I also agree that the ball driller (I know him and know why I would NEVER have a ball set up by him...) did a real BAD mistake, either ignoring the player and his needs and then also ignoring the ball's specs.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: what a present
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2008, 07:39:54 AM »
you guys are right. just thought you have an idea for me. but i'll take you guys advice and will post results at a diffrnt time.
nothing hits like a hammer!