Equipment Boards => Roto Grip => Topic started by: Ric Clint on March 10, 2008, 03:26:34 PM
Scroll down and look at the picture where it shows the CG way left of the PIN-MB line!
How would you drill this ball?
Put the pin up and a little to the outside of the Ring finger, CG around the grip center.
You might have to get a little creative with the ball, but it's not impossible to drill.
It IS next year!
Wow. That ball can really ONLY be drilled for a righty, and even then, only if you want the mb (and/or pin) out quite a bit from the midline. Many normal layouts for right handers, using that ball, would probably put the cg a good bit negative.
Get that ball!!!! The Pro Shop I work for purchased a bunch of pro-pins and pro-cg's like that ball. i of course got one and the ball hooks more than you can make a normal cell hook. danH is right with the way to drill it. the ball will be very strong and you might even have to polish it.
Thank You
Greg T.
LU Bowling
Wow. That ball can really ONLY be drilled for a righty, and even then, only if you want the mb (and/or pin) out quite a bit from the midline. Many normal layouts for right handers, using that ball, would probably put the cg a good bit negative.
Or you put the pin above the ring, CG on/near the PAP, weighthole to make it legal, MB ends up next to the thumb (positive side) for a lefty. If you have a driller worth his salt, it doesn't matter if you are righty or lefty, you can drill the ball.
It IS next year!
That's not really a pro-pin ball. Most of the Cell equipment I've purchased and had drilled was shipped this way. Even the drilling sheet details out the RG kicked right off of the line of the pin and CG
That cg might be 4 inches out if you do that, I'm not saying it cant be done, but I sure as he!! would never drill that ball for a lefty. Even with that low-ish top weight, you might not be able to drill a weight hole big enough.
That's not really a pro-pin ball. Most of the Cell equipment I've purchased and had drilled was shipped this way. Even the drilling sheet details out the RG kicked right off of the line of the pin and CG
Not pro pin, but DEFINITELY pro cg.
Ya, thats the most I have seen with a cg being out of line in a mas bias ball. I went to a pro shop that I normally don't go to and they had a cell like that, but you could put the pin @ 4 1/2 inches from pap at 45 degrees above the ring finger and the mas bias @ 3 inches from the pap? I have a passion like this or similar and it hooks more in oil then it does on a dryer shot.
If your going to bowl...bowl for fun or go home
I have one just like it...drilled as up...outside in palm...mb...just below thumb
ave...235...playing up 5 board...very wet house
ave...222...20 to 12...dif. house
Best ball have thrown in awhile!
Not impossible drill for a righty. Not too many options that I see, although I am no drilling guru by any means. I would go with a strong stacked layout like this, and no WH.
0 0
Or you put the pin above the ring, CG on/near the PAP, weighthole to make it legal, MB ends up next to the thumb (positive side) for a lefty. If you have a driller worth his salt, it doesn't matter if you are righty or lefty, you can drill the ball.
I think thats a viable option as well for lefties.
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??
Team Member Of
Hoss Central Inc.
Edited on 3/11/2008 6:34 AM
What kind of drilling would you put on this ball?
A lefthanded one..!! =:^D
None, Unless you're right handed and want the MB on or past the VAL. Not terrible for a high speed, less than avg rev bowler.
There are LOTS of other Cells available with much more versatile specs.
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I received a mirrored replica of this ball a few weeks ago. I'm a right-handed player and wound up with a drilling of 6.25" x 70 degrees. The pin is between the middle finger and my track. The Cg is about 2.75" right of the grip centerline about an inch and a half above the midline. If I tear the cover off of the ball it still moves as much as if I come up the back of the ball. The very definition of "control drilling" for this mere mortal. If I have the chance to drill up another one(Roger-hint, hint), I'll look for a little stronger!
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.
Me (http://"")
Charter member of the Cartel for Eradication of Avenging Unicorns
Edited on 3/11/2008 6:25 PM
qoute from bowlingmytmouse "I am no drilling guru by any means"
I must agree!!
qoute from bowlingmytmouse "I am no drilling guru by any means"
I must agree!!
So you are saying that the way I would have it drilled for a righty isn't feasible or there are other options?
Roto Grip forever!!!! What else is there??
Team Member Of
Hoss Central Inc.
Umm to me, the first thought would be pin above middle finger, MB somewhere near VAL and let the cg fall were it may (guessing somewhere in the palm area). For me, this would be around a 6" to 6 1/4" pin, 3" MB... I think it would givea very nice controlled type of reaction.
"The haddock hits me with a sucker punch. I catch him with a left hook.
He eels over. It was a fluke, but there he was, lying on the deck,
flat as a mackerel, kelpless."
Using the dual angle layout method...
Can someone say asymmetric flip!
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice." Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."
OK, I'll ask. What would happen if you turned it 180 with pin down and mb up, drilled for left handed????
Put the pin up and a little to the outside of the Ring finger, CG around the grip center.
You might have to get a little creative with the ball, but it's not impossible to drill.
It IS next year!
And I think it would turn out a little something like this...
*F.O.S. is growing
"Life is short...and so is Gary Coleman"
"It ain't over til the Fat Lady takes a shower"
Shouldn't be to much of a problem if your right handed. You could just kick the mass bias out to or past your val which might put the cg in more of a central location to your span. What type of reaction are you looking out of the ball?
Edited on 3/26/2008 5:00 PM
To me, it's actually easier to drill a ball like this for a righty than one with the cg inline. The Cell is a rare ball, IMO, that works so well without a weight hole that I think you should try to avoid one if at all possible. This ball makes it easier to do that with a strong layout. BTW, we have drilled probably 20 or more Cells, and have probably a dozen still in the shop, and the VAST majority look similar to this one. I don't remember hearing any complaints to this point in time.
Edited on 3/27/2008 9:17 AM
Should not be problem drilling for either righty or lefty. Nothing wrong with being a little creative

Jon (in Ohio)
aka: Rico Swerve~