My RG Idol was a great ball for me (speed 16-17 mph; 275-300 revs) on a medium oil THS. If I missed left (I'm a righty) it would hold pocket. If I missed right to the dry it would scream back to the pocket. The carry was outstanding.
Unfortunately, it completely cracked at the 11 month mark. My PSO told me I could have any of the three Idol's as a replacement. I chose the Idol Pro since it was just released. I have been disappointed with the performance when measured against my previous Idol. Frankly, the carry on the Idol Pro is lousy, again when measured against the Idol
Each ball had the same layout (pin above the ring finger). I changed the surface from OOB 3000 sheen to 2000 (TruCut), but didn't see much if any improvement.
For those who have both, what are your experiences? Suggestions?