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Author Topic: Would the saturn be a good choice?  (Read 1310 times)


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Would the saturn be a good choice?
« on: March 12, 2006, 12:51:11 PM »
I currently don't have a control ball.  Would a saturn with a contol drilling be a good choice for medium oil or maybe a spotty condition?  I currently have an epic, the one(oob), and a desert heat.  I' more speed dominate and have lots of tilt.  I just need something to turn to when the backend of the epic and the one is too violent.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2006, 09:16:31 PM »
gfh2a said.....
I currently don't have a control ball. Would a saturn with a contol drilling be a good choice for medium oil or maybe a spotty condition?

then tylerwiles said......
 Hey I would actually drill it with the pin above the ring and cg stacked.

Sorry tylerwiles since gfh2a is looking for control layout...the layout you suggest is not a control layout.  Stacked leverage is for maximum hook and imbalance not control.  If, he is bowling on a wall that may owrk as you have all the tug room in the middle part of the lane and dry outside.

Also, it seems to me that in a recent post you asked what balls to take to a sport pattern tourney and all your equipment is laid out stacked leverage...IMO on that kind of pattern you are going to struggle with stacked leverage layouts for the most part.


Edited on 3/12/2006 9:26 PM


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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2006, 09:19:37 PM »
gfh2a--Do you bowl on a THS....a wall?  How much oil volume, length, wood or syntheic well kept or ???  




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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2006, 09:38:05 PM »
I have a Saturn and it is drilled with the pin over the ring about of and inch with the cg in the grip center (for me its 4 3/4 by 5)..  Smooth and strong.  I use this as my control balland it is excellent on the tougher sport patterns I bowl on...


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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2006, 09:51:11 PM »
There is not a more controled ball on the market. If any other ball company made this ball they would be charging a mint for it. And Roto Grip is practically giving it away. Honestly I'm going to pick up another just so I have a back-up. This is a must have for anyone's arsenal, classic reaction on all but the extremes and powerful and takes all adjustments like a champ what more can you ask for in a ball that costs 75.00.
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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2006, 06:10:09 AM »
Thanks for everybody for your replies.  I do bowl on a walled up shot in league.  The shot is shorter than I like so I have to move farther left than I am comfortable.  I really just wanted a ball I could pull out when I everything else wasn't working.  The ball may not give me a 250 but a 220 would be fine when in a crunch.  I want a strong arc not skid flip.


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Re: Would the saturn be a good choice?
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2006, 06:56:42 AM »
George--Since, you do bowl more on a have some tug room inside so stronger layouts may work for you but if it was me not knowing your stats.  I'd probably think about 105 deg. layout pin next to ring or slightly above make it a 4.5" pin to PAP and put the CG mid grip middle of the would nd up 4.5x5 or so....depending on where your PAP winds up.  This will give you length and arc.  These layouts work well for bowlers that like to attack from outside but are still control enough not to snap off of oil line.  You may have to adjust OOB finish to get a bit more down the lane if on a shorter pattern.  This layout for many doesn't work as well for the inside for good carry.  YMMV.

The layout Ryan mentioned will work also but may not get enough length.  You and your driller should get together to figure out what will work best for you.
