Going through a bit of a “ball whore†phase recently, and one of the acquisitions was a pin up, stacked Wreckem.
Drilled 4X3 with a small hole by the pap, surface was polished, so I keep it that way.
Compared to the polished Hyroad I got, which is drilled pin up, 4.5X3 with small hole on pap. The Wreckem is cleaner through the fronts, easier to get downlane, and stronger off the spot. The Hyroad is stronger overall, but when the Hyroad begins to start early, the Wreckem finds its condition.
Compared to the lightly polished black Quantum I got, drilled pin in ring finger, 3.75X3 with no x hole, the Wreckem and the Quantum both get through the heads really clean, but it seems like the Wreckem handles just a touch more oil than the Quantum, or at least finishes just a bit harder on the same shot. If I flat ten with the Quantum, the Wreckem will carry. If I fourpin with the Wreckem, the Quantum will lay just a hair more and carry. Probably the difference between the solid cover on the Quantum and the pearl cover on the Wreckem.
For me, the Wreckem has been the “red headed stepchild†of bowling balls. You think you’ve got something better, you think you’ve got the condition covered, you think you don’t/won’t be using it tonight, but it seems I always end up using it, and it hasn’t let me down yet.
Ball was a bit overlooked I think, maybe due to the Wrecker, Wreckit burnout of people who had those, and were ready to try something else with a different core.