I had a slew of favs from Roto:
1. Cell/ Silver Streak (wont make the decision as to which was better)
2. Cell Pearl (a cell that was more usable on THS)
3. Oracle Vision (very underrated, so much so that people were constantly coming up to me to ask me what I was throwing that was striking like that)
4. Horizon pearl (long and strong off the back and was usable on almost every condition)
5. Epic Quest (best heavy oil ball I've ever thrown, just mad I couldn't find enough oil to consistently throw it)
aka. Big Daddy Pink, Pink Pinkstofferson, Smooth as Asian Silk, Righty Complex, Big Daddy Wit Da Smooth Head.
I'm man enough to admit I stroke with the left hand and it feels good.

Whooooooo! Go time!
No excuses. Just bowl. High Score wins! Make the Adjustment!
Mullans pro shop Richmond, Va.