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Author Topic: Solaris Blackout  (Read 15665 times)


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Solaris Blackout
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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# Color: Black
# Coverstock: LNC Solid Reactive
# Weight Block: Trailblazer LD
# Factory Finish: 2000 Abralon Sanded Surface
# Flare Potential: n/a
# Radius of Gyration (RG): 2.486
# Differential (Diff): 0.035
# Intermediate Differential (Mass Bias): n/a
# Fragrance: n/a

Description: The new addition to the very popular Solaris Line incorporates a modified lower differential (0.035) version of the symmetrical Trailblazer core while keeping a low RG (2.48). Wrapped around the core is the new LNC, solid polished reactive, coverstock. The LNC coverstock is weaker than the previous covers we have used, allowing great length through the oil pattern, despite the low RG, saving more energy for the back end. The medium low differential core allows for a smooth yet powerful arc to the pocket and great carry through the pins. The Solaris Blackout really is the ultimate control ball. The ball is black with gold logos.



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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2010, 09:53:57 AM »
Please bear with me, as this is my first post!

My specs:  stroker/low end tweener
280 - 300 rpm
Ball speed of 16-17 mph
PAP is 4 5/16 x 3/4 up

Ball was purchased with a 2" pin and 2 3/4 oz. topweight
Drilling was dual angle method - 40 x 4" x 70
Ball surface was left OOB

The lane condition is:  Brunswick Pro Anvil with a 38' THS.  Sorry, we can't get more specific information from the center - must be a State secret

Have about 40 games on this ball, and the Blackout has not tracked up at all, nor has it lost any hook/hit.  I always clean all of my equipment (Ebonite ball cleaner) after every league outing or tournament.

The Blackout is sneaky strong but a great benchmark ball.  The polished solid surface lets you know immediately if you are in the wrong part of the lane, and also shows the transition as it occurs.  

Generally start about 20 to 8 and just chase the oil line right or left. Moves are very easy - of the 1-and-1 or 2-and-1 variety, not a gianormous leap to the left - or right, as the case may be!          Unless you encounter Noah's Ark, or Gila monsters are scurrying across the lanes, this ball fits the bill.

This ball is a stroker's/tweener's dream on over/under conditions (either front-to-back or side-to-side).  Misses right don't jerk back and leave those Grand Canyon splits.  If the condition is wet heads with stripped back-ends, you can move right and the Blackout smooths out that end-of-pattern Left Turn Clyde.

However, those with higher rev rates should like this ball just as much as strokers and tweeners - it is VERY smooth off the spot.  Just don't confuse smooth with weak - this ball hits like the Hulk on a REALLY bad day!!  It keeps the pins low and just shoves them off the deck.  Light swishers, high flush, flush - it just doesn't matter, when the Blackout hits the pins, it's lights out!

Thanks for reading this review - hope it helps!


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2011, 10:09:56 PM »




Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):



Likes: Good Change of Pace

Dislikes: ???



 SPECS:35X6X35 OOB Surface


PBA Cheetah:Surface is Brunswick ProAnvaline. I am not very good with shorter oil patterns but the Black out helps a lot, Due to the weaker drill pattern I ended up balling down to this after a few games with my Epicenter and AfterMath. Started playing Blackout about 12 at the arrows out to maybe seven at the Break point, had a very nice look, smooth off the spot very controlled roll nothing fancy. The move off the spot reminded me a weaker Break from 900. As the lanes fell apart I continued moving right eventually finishing playing 8 out to about 4. I liked what the ball did the transition when I was using this ball slowed to a crawl (at least for me not the rest of the pair) and I had room to miss with and felt much more comfortable than I have on shorter pattern in a long time.


Mountain Bay Lanes THS: MBL is a OLD house about a hour northwest of where I live. Used the Black Out their due to the extremely poor surface and oiling machine. Played deep! about 20 at the arrows screaming it out to about 8 the Blackout came charging right back, no jerks or snaps just smooth roll off the spot. Break point was at about 40 feet which surprised me I thought it would be down lane further. again the transition slowed to a crawl when I was using this ball. As they transitioned I simply continued bumping everything left and continued with great results.


T&O Lanes THS: I bowl leagues at the T&O, Guardian for twenty feet then wood the rest of the way. Screaming back ends, ugly carry and low averages and scoring pace make this house very fun and frustrating all at the same time. I have been using a MoRich RIP/R a lot at T&O this year but a few times I have pulled the BlackOut and got nice results. Playing shallow here going 13 out to about 7 on the right lane (over the top returns) on the left I play 16 out to 10. I have a very nice look with both lines. As the left lane breaks I move farther left with the entire line keeping it in the oil and the line shallow ball squares with pocket perfectly. As the right lane goes i move right taking hand out of the ball, giving it more length, even as I move closer to friction the length is effortless and BlackOut still does not snap off the spot.


COMPARE: To my Hole Pounder Pearl by Banger drilled pin under Bridge my swung 3 inches. HPP is earlier and covers a few boards and probably gets off the spot a touch faster. Blackout is much more controlled and handles varying conditions and transition much better than the HPP.


HIT/CARRY: Black out is not a brawler by any means it keeps pins down, as long as it square's up to the pins they all go down. Messengers come when the angle goes up but for the drill pattern I am using I don't get deep that often.


OVERALL: Amazing dry lane ball with this drill pattern, I high end ball that hooks less, what a great concept. IMO more companies should think of putting equipment out like this. It adds a Dimension to my game that was not their for a long time, the ability to play straighter and be comfortable doing it over a extended period of time. 



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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #3 on: April 30, 2011, 03:45:21 PM »
                   BALL SPECS
 Pin Length
 Starting Top Weight----2.75oz
 Ball Weight----14lbs 4oz
 Pin to PAP
 CG to PAP----4"
 Rev Rate
 Ball Speed----15mph


 2000grit polished(OOB Finish)
 4000grit no polish(Adjusted Finish)

 Volume----Medium Volume
 Length---- plenty with(4000grit)more @(OOB)2000grit polished
 Back End----Strong Arc Motion off the dry downlane
 Overall Hook----Good on Fresh or Broken down patterns
 Midlane Read----Very Smooth and Controllable.
 Breakpoint Shape----Not Flippy or Weak, but very strong motion.

 Likes---- Ball was just what i was  looking for using Seismic's other equipment the past year.  Not as  strong overall compared to the Aftermath Pearl & Epicenter, in  overall hook and backend motion.  Really needed a ball to go when the  lanes break down quickly or for 2nd shift leagues which start out flying  from the start.
Seismic AfterMath Solid(Heavy Oil) 2000grit
 Seismic AfterMath Pearl(Medium/Heavy Oil) 4000grit
 Seismic Epicenter Pearl(Medium Oil) 2000grit polished
 Seismic Solaris Blackout(Medium Oil) 4000grit
 Seismic Euphoria(Medium/Light Oil) 2000grit polished

               Attached Thumbnails                
                Click image for larger version  Name:   Solaris Blackout.jpg Views:   3 Size:   61.3 KB ID:   5586                   


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2011, 03:23:31 AM »

Style = Stroker/mild tweener, right-handed
Speed = ~14-16 mph
PAP = 5" over & 7/8" up (high track)
Axis tilt = ~20°
Revs = ~275-325 RPM at release
For more details, check out my profile, please.

Ball is 15 lbs. with a 2” pin distance, the pin had been drilled out by the former owner. My specimen (single drill) came already plugged and taken back to OOB finish (2.000 Abralon polished). Static and gross weights are unknown. Anyway, I had the ball drilled up with a rather generic setup with a high angle sum for a delayed reaction, as per usual at Michael Kraemer's Pro Shop in Duisburg, Germany. He did an excellent job.

Dual angle specs:
70° drilling angle
4.75" pin to PAP
65° angle to VAL


+ = Pin
# = CG

Surface was kept OOB to see what the orb is capable of.

Length: 37-40'
Volume: 18-24 ml
Type: fresh and worn THS, as well as a mild sport pattern (
~5:1 ratio), all on synthetic surfaces



I frequently encounter rather light to medium conditions in league, and with my lower ball speed a high coverstock traction potential and powerful low RG cores can be a problem - but I wanted to try out 'something' new.

The Blackout's low RG/low RG diff. combo paired with a solid coverstock looked pretty unique, so I gave this ball a try, even if it is just second hand. But from my trials on THS and a more demanding (but still not slick) sport pattern and in comparison with my benchmark Renegade, I am pleased!

What I really like is the good length the coverstock shows, even when the track starts to dry up. It is much cleaner through the front than the Renegade with its PK18 solid cover, but it is still responsive to friction and not a ball for really dry lanes. The coverstock reminds me much of Brunswick's N'Control coverstock family, just less itchy.

Its low RG core helps it rev up quickly, and its low differential makes it a very smooth ball at the breakpoint. "Snappy" is nothing I'd associate with the Blackout!

With its low RG differential, the ball seems to like revs. I found the Blackout to be a very stable and predictable ball, more so when I add revs and stay behind the ball for a (more) powerful forward roll. I think that crankers will love this piece, because it is so consistent and stable when you hit it well.

Although its RG is pretty low, the Blackout does not appear to be rolly – something I really was afraid of. The core/cover combo seems to be a good match: while the ball gets into a quick roll after breaking, the low RG differentials seems to "block" a quick bleeding of energy or a jumpy reaction, once the ball hits dry ground. It just shows a continuous curve with a limited hook potential, which is easy to read and predict.

Another positive thing I see is the ball's fine response to release changes - there for I deem it a ball for experienced players, despite its mild and predictable reaction. I found it very easy to adjust the ball's breakpoint and back end reaction through simple hand position changes. Through its good feedback and response it reminds me much of VBP's Frankie May Gryphon, just on (much) less oil.

As another Like, I must praise the Blackout's classic design in opaque black. Nifty piece. I revamped mine with yellow/sparkle engravings (the resurfacing left them bleak and empty), and it looks pretty cool.


Both cover and core have their limits, but that's to be expected on a ball for lighter conditions. Carrydown and too much/long oil are the Blackout's natural enemy, at least OOB. I haven't opened the surface, since the 2.000 Abralon polished OOB finish appears to be perfect for medium to medium-light conditions, but I doubt that this would dramatically improve the ball’s utility window.
The nice length through the heads is traded-off by a recognizable lack of traction through the cover - which is no weakness, just the ball's design. I think that the cover is even weaker and milder when hitting dry boards than my Motiv RX1 solid. Overall, it comes close to my black Pure Hammer (which I consider slightly weaker, esp. considering its oil handling ability), and its overall reaction actually resembles a strong urethane piece.

Another "limit" is created through the lower RG differential. By tendency, if the ball is played too close to the gutter/too far out, it won't scream back, esp. when the back end is not truly clean. Therefore I'd see its use rather limited to down-and-in lines, only true crankers will IMO be able to play true deep lines with it. Speed-dominant players should stay away or use a very strong layout for the Blackout.

As with many light condition reactives, the Blackout also has a “point” when there’s simply not enough oil anymore out there and adjustments won’t help much. From my experience so far, this comes rather suddenly, within 3 to 5 frames. At this point (I found this to happen after 3-4 games) you will probably already have moved deeper – but start leaving washouts and wide splits. Hence my warning to watch the ball’s reaction closely, and not to hesitate to switch to a milder piece once the ball’s reaction starts to become fishy.

A final aspect: honestly, for wht the ball does or handles, it is/was pretty expensive. It's reaction is good and stable, but it boils down to a simple, symmetrical ball without true whistlea and bells. My tip: if you find a used one (like me), go for it!


Length/through the heads:
Easy ooXooooooo Needs head oil

Breakpoint shape:
Arc ooXooooooo Angular

Hook potential:
Low ooXooooooo High

Stable oXoooooooo Erratic

Poor oooooooXoo High

Suited for…
Dry ooXooooooo Oily

Range of utility/lane conditions:
Limited ooooXooooo Broad

Subjective overall rating of this ball:
Poor oooooooXoo Excellent

This scale is inspired by popular rating methods and the results ultra-subjective. Surface prep, layouts and different playing styles will change the results for sure - it is just personal experience with the reviewed ball at OOB finish

LANE UTILITY CHART (Pattern length vs. oil volume)

|S M L
|h e o
|o d n
|r . g
|X X +| Light volume
|X X 0| Medium volume
|+ 0 0| Heavy volume

X = Best suited with effective control & carry
+ = Fairly suited (works, somehow, but can lack control and effectiveness)
0 = Unsuited (ineffective, either slips helplessly or burns up)

The chart’s concept is borrowed from Storm's 2003 print catalogue. Surface prep, layout or a different playing style will change the result.


DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
2010/11 Benrather BC Club Champion
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Edited on 30.08.2011 at 2:26 AM
Edited on 30.08.2011 at 3:09 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2011, 02:41:09 AM »

Length: 40-41 ft


Volume:medium volume

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc): THS (amf HPL)



I laid out my Solaris Blackout at 75 X 4 X 65 which gives me a little earlier reaction with a weaker move off the backend.


The thing I love about this ball is its ability to just roll and not do anything stupid. I know where its going right off my hand and for a higher rev player, that feeling is like pure gold!


I decided to take the polish off by hand with a worn down 2000 pad to see how it would react. Without polish, the Solaris Blackout still has that great smooth motion off the back, but with just a little more midlane reaction to it for when you need the ball to start up a little earlier but still be able to finish through the pins great. This is my go-to ball for when the lanes have broken down and i need something a little calmer off the dry part of the lane when the over-under transition really starts to happen.


Overall, I find the Solaris Blackout a very useable ball on a variety of conditions.




Check out the reaction video!


Edited on 9/17/2011 at 2:51 PM

lil League Coach

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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2011, 10:31:04 PM »
First and most important I want to thank Ryan Press for speaking with me and helping me out with the Seismic product name.
My info:
Ball speed: medium- high
Rev rate: above average (350 rpms)
Pap: 5" right by 1" up

Drilling: 5 x 5 x 2
- ended up putting the pin about 2" above bridge cg slightly right and up in finger quadrant

Lane patterns: typical house on Brunswick original anvilane
 I tested this ball out on our typical house shot. 40 ft top hat. Heavy in the middle tapered out to 8.

 This ball is incredible!! When I spoke with Ryan I explained our house shot and this was the ball he suggested to play a little more direct with. I was able to play to my strength and stand on top of the shot. I was targeting 10 at the arrows and getting it to 5. The ball cleared the heads and midlane without a problem and was smooth as silk at the backend. The carry was great. I started migrating left throughout the night just to see how much strength this ball had and I was able to get into the oil around 15 and still break it off at 8 at the breakpoint with some speed adjustments.

Sport pattern:  cheetah 35ft

  I also through this ball on the pba cheetah pattern. I love playing direct but I get into trouble with getting too far right and not getting the ball to lay off in the back, I took the surface down to 1000 with a used abralon pad. Wow this was the answer. A little rougher surface with my higher speed and rev rate and a ball that is as smooth as this one was definitly the answer and got the ball to slow down in the backend and really created some area on this pattern. I was able to start playing 5-2.. Once I saw the ball hooking a little to quick I went back in the shop and restored to factory finish and the ball was incredible and never lost a beat.

Overall thoughts:
 I can't wait to spread the word on this ball. This piece fits every type bowler from beginner to top notch tournament player. The smoothness of this ball is just as good as any product on the market.    

 Vise Grip Staff "choice of champions"
Keglers Pro Shop - Owner (


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2012, 10:58:17 PM »

Length: 40
Volume: Medium 

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):Blue-1


Likes:The main few things I love about this ball is the ability to use this as a benchmark ball, great carry, and the smooth reaction. I laid mine out 5x4 Great ball! Way to go Seismic!

Dislikes: Zero



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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2012, 03:12:51 PM »

Seismic Solaris Blackout



Pin Length---- 3.5-4”

Ball Weight---- 15lb




Rico layout



Ball Speed----16mph

PAP/Track----4 ½ R



Grit---- 2000 Abralon (OOB finish)

Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded)---- Polished



Length---- 38”

Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport)---- Kegel Easy Street



Length----- enough

Back End---- nice arching motion that continues through the pins

Overall Hook---- very smooth, not to early not to late controlled arch down the lane.  




Likes----- Drilled this to give me a nice continuous role from start to finish. Easy ball to make adjustment with and can sustain a three game set on any THS I have encountered. Like my Raging bull Charged I can play down the boards or a moderate swing (15-8) with no problems on most shots. Doesn’t blast the pins but knocks them down and that’s good enough for me. Check out the Seismic facebook page at


Dislikes---- N/A


Video link----



Seismic Raging Bull Charged

Seismic Solaris Blackout  

Seismic Desperado LE

Seismic Raging Bull  



Jason Baer
Seismic Review Staff 2012
Jason Baer
Seismic Staff/Sales Rep


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2012, 04:41:26 PM »

Length:41ft even oil

Type (THS, Sport Pattern etc):ths


Likes:very smooth roll easy length nice arc and good pop on the backend on through the deck superb carry.this is a must have.for all but heavy conditions




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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2012, 11:57:48 AM »
Seismic Blackout
Headline: If you own this versatile ball, you will find a way to fit it into your bag.

Drilled 70x4.5x50 (puts pin in ring for me), hole 2" down VAL

Bowler stats:
Two-handed bowler
Speed: 16-16.5 monitor
Rev dominant
Medium axis rotation, slightly low tilt
PAP 5 and even

Goal: Being a two-handed bowler, I generally prefer a ball that isn't too jumpy.  This ball was intended to go fairly long before making a smooth turn to the pocket on medium conditions.  This is intended to be a benchmark, medium oil ball for me.

THS experiences:
I first tried this ball at OOB (2000 + polish) on a burnt THS and found it to be surprisingly jumpy off the spot.  I expected the ball to be very smooth, but the friction on the lane combined with my rev rate turned this ball into a very hard arc.  It wasn't QUITE the snap I was getting from my Euphoria, but it was pretty darn close.  My reaction was comparable to my Motiv Primal Impulse.  Not a true snap, but still a hard move off the spot.  The lanes did have some carry down in the middle of the lane from the plastic chuckers that were on the pair before me, and the Blackout at box struggled with this.  If I didn't get the ball out to where the friction was, the ball just kept sliding.

I didn't make any surface changes too quickly, figuring that the burnt/carrydown lanes were causing the reaction I was getting.  However, I got the same reaction on the fresh shot that was laid down for my league that week.  The lack of carrydown on the fresh shot helped the ball tremendously, and it never struggled to turn the corner on this light medium fresh shot, but it was still a hard arc that was a little too jumpy off the dry than what I drilled it for. If I didn't have the Euphoria, I probably would've left the ball alone and used it as my medium-light THS monster (though the reaction wasn't what I expected, I was shredding the rack).  The reaction I was getting was pretty close to my Euphoria though, so off to the spinner it went.

I have since tried it at various surfaces:
true 4000ab: smoothed it out a little, but not as much as I wanted.  Still more of a medium-light ball for me and still struggled to turn the corner when carry down was present.

true 1000ab: smoothed it out a lot and instantly solved all carry down problems.  The ball was starting much earlier on the lane and turned into a true medium oil ball for me.  Unfortunately, if the oil wasn't fresh the ball would start too early and ring 10 pins.  At 1000 grit, the ball didn't like to play a big swing as much as it did before.  (This surface DID handle long sport patterns great though, as I'll describe below.)

500-2000ab: Needing a little more length but wanting to keep the strength of the 1000, I went with 500-2000 skip-a-grit.  This gave me some additional length with more pop than true 2000ab.  BINGO.  This ball has become the most used ball in my bag since that switch.  Fairly smooth, but still with plenty of pop.  It handles fresh mediums and medium-lights perfectly and is my go-to ball for anything on the lighter side of medium when carrydown is present (which I see often in the summer when kids are out of school).  At this surface, I have no problem moving left and swinging the ball (as you can see in the video below).  It is the benchmark ball I was dreaming about when I bought it.  I can use the ball on everything but heavy oil, short oil, and no oil. 

Sport experiences:
WTBA Atlanta (38'): Ball was still OOB.  Due to the jumpiness of the ball OOB for me, I was able to start with the ball with a big swing but had to put it down fairly quickly.
WTBA Paris (47'): Ball was at 1000.  Surprisingly, this ball destroyed this pattern for me.  Though long, the pattern is fairly low volume.  I was able to keep the ball close to the headpin and the pin carry was fantastic.  I had some tug room inside due to the puddle in the middle, but I was dead if I missed right.  This was my best night of my sport league.
Cheetah: Ball at 2000.  Too strong with my rev rate on this pattern.  I had to use urethane on the Cheetah.
Scorpion: Ball at 2000. Had a pretty good look playing a small swing on the fresh (15 at arrows to about 8 at the break), but was better off with something stronger.  Had a board of miss room inside, but could not miss right.  I was able to use this ball much more effectively towards the end of the 6 game set.

Quick video (burnt THS at current 2000ab surface):


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Re: Solaris Blackout
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2012, 11:49:14 AM »

Pin Length -3-4
Starting Top Weight - 2 oz.
Ball Weight -15

Pin to PAP - 4 7/8"
CG to PAP - 4 7/8"
X Hole (if needed) - none
MB Location - n/a
Drill Angle - n/a
VAL Angle - n/a

Rev Rate - 425-450
Ball Speed - 17 mph
PAP/Track - 4 7/8 > , 7/8^
4 7/8
See below

Grit - oob, 500 ab, 2000 ab skip grit
Type (Matte, Polish, Sanded) - polish, and skip grit w/ no polish

Length -40 ft
Volume -Med hvy-Med
Type (Wall, Xmas Tree, Sport) - THS

Length - 7.5
Back End - 9
Overall Hook -8
Midlane Read - 8
Breakpoint Shape - Strong, smooth and continuous

Carry -Excellent
Likes -Cover takes surface adjustments with ease, perfect THS ball for crankers.
Dislikes -OOB finish was too over/under
Other -

The Solaris Blackout is the perfect benchmark ball. After sigining with Seismic, this was the one ball I knew I had to have, especially with the success I've had with lower differential pieces in the past. The Blackout lives up to the expectations I had about it.

I went with just a basic layout I use on alot of pieces, in general this layout, pin over bridge with cg in the palm and no xtra hole give me easy length and nice pop on the back. Oob surface on the Blackout with the factory polish was just too over under for me. After a little tinkering, I settled on 500 abralon, 2000 abralon skip grit with no polish, and within a week of doing this I shot my 6th overall 300 game, and first as a review staffer with Seismic.

Where this ball shines for me with the surface I have is the smoothness that it reads the lanes with now. Its also one of the few pieces I've thrown that I can say with for a 3 game set. From down and in, to hooking it quite a bit, its very versatile. Generally I get my best look with it when the transition hits and folks have blown up 10 with surface, I can chase the shot in with the Blackout and use the oil towards the middle of the lane as hold, and never worry about it checking early on me.

All in all, I'd have to say that right now this is my favorite piece in the Seismic lineup, its such a unique ball reaction, and just a type of ball that not alot of companies put out, but probably should be ironically. If your on the fence about the Blackout, pull the trigger on it you will not be disappointed.

DV8 Regional Staff