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Author Topic: 2nd Impression of Venator  (Read 2097 times)


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2nd Impression of Venator
« on: August 03, 2013, 03:13:50 PM »
Today.....Fresh 40 ft 23ml THS.....Immediately after the oil machine was finished.

My specs:

17mph off hand
350 revs
60 axis rotation
26 degree tilt


WOW, what a difference on the fresh oil.....The ball is very strong, handles the oil well and has a unique move. I have had two balls in my life that I have considered unique for me. The Pearl Panther and AMP. I called both of those balls "contolled power" I liked both balls at 400oab. I never knew how to categorize either of them, they were not archy and not snappy. They were smooth but very powerful and I had success with both balls.
I will now call the Venator "Controlled Chaos". It has a very unique move to me in the oil, call me crazy but the move reminded me of my AMP but much much stronger.

Vs Nano(40x43/4x35 500/2000)...Venator handles the oil just as well but still 2-3 weaker with a much more controllable strong move. I was playing very deep with both balls and felt like I had a better look with the Venator. The Nano is very hard of the spot and looked uncontrollable while the Venator looked seriously strong but again very controlled. If I matched surfaces Im sure it would be very close. The Nano was a bit earlier and jerky off the spot.

va Defiant Soul(50x5x40 2000ab)...This one shocked me. Standing 32, 18 at arrows and 6 at the break. The Venator made the pocket, not only made it but crushed it. The Soul slide a bit past the break and came in light, carried but was light. I made a 2/2 move right and the Soul was money. The Soul was a bit longer on the fresh and also a bit jumpier. I threw a whole game switching balls one frame to the next and consistently the Venator was 2/2 stronger. A much much different move than the Soul. Again more controlled but very very strong move to the pocket. Very continuous and blew the rack away.

vs War Eagle(45x4x65..4000ab)....The War Eagle was much longer and a good 5/4 weaker on the Fresh. The War Eagle for me has a strong archy move. Again the two moves were very different. I can see the War Eagle really be a great step down, even a better compliment that it is to the Soul.

My Final thought today is this is exactly what I saw when I first threw my Taboo Deep Purple, it looked ok until I got on some fresh then it was a beast. Same thing with the Venator. I can say for me it is a bit stronger than the Soul with close drill and a bit less surface. The Venator reads the midlane hard and makes a great move! The deeper into the oil I got the harder the move.
The Soul is one of the best balls I have had in a long time and is very versatile. I think the Venator is going to be a great ball but you will have to know when to put it away or the "controlled chaos" will just become Chaos!

I may try 2000 polished next time out just to see what it does, but with my higher tilt I usually have difficulty with polished balls unless the lanes are really broken down.

My Friday night mens house lays out a 42ft 25ml THS, I cant wait til league starts to see how it does there, my guess will be great!
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Re: 2nd Impression of Venator
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 12:46:48 AM »
"No one runs...from the conquerer "
