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Author Topic: AfterMath first thoughts...  (Read 1438 times)


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AfterMath first thoughts...
« on: May 08, 2010, 05:02:43 AM »
Drilled pin under bridge mb swung out about 3 inchs. OOB Surface.

Scorpion pattern wood lanes, Played the first game with the Solaris grabbed AM to start the second game, and was very impressed. Going 17 out to around 10 or so the AM was murdering pins. Had alot of recovery room right just dont miss left or it will be disaster.

Reaction is very strong. Very Angular. Just peels off the spot even with the MB out 3 inches which is more than most of the rest of my gear it is still one of the most angular pieces of gear.

Hit and carry are devastating. Messenger central. just massacres the rack when it hits the 1-3. Hardest hitting ball I think I have ever seen.

I am going to buy another one before the fall season starts just because it is so good.
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Re: AfterMath first thoughts...
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2010, 04:24:18 PM »
I normally try not to talk up our stuff much, I'd rather just state facts so that no one can accuse us of any bias, potential customers appreciate it more. BUT, even now I'm still impressed more impressed each time I throw the Aftermath, its pretty versatile.

Remember we've primarily aimed it at longer patterns regardless of volume (although there are obviously limits), and i think you'll agree it gives great pop for an aggressive ball. We've avoided making it too early rolling as I believe some of its rivals are, and you should be able to use it a lot more often than you might think.

When we had the idea on paper I thought it would be a ball id use very rarely as a medium speed player .. so for anyone out there that normally has to go for a weaker ball, when the chuckers appear to have the advantage of throwing that hook in a box, this is well worth a try.

I'll be throwing one tomorrow in a local ranking tourney (hopefully). Will let you know how it goes!
Dave W - Seismic Staff
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