Without talking to Ryan who's out of the country at the moment, I can't give you specific details about the silicone additive. We basically challenged the guys that develop the covers at Global to make this urethane weaker, and this is what they came up with. (They were very patient!) Its a low percentage of the overall mixture I believe, but did tame it down. I'll see if I can get more specific info for you.
The cover isn't tacky in the slightest, but when you roll the ball it doesn't feel skitish. It inspires confidence, I've never been so exited about how controllable a ball is before! It sits in the gap in my arsenal between the reactives and XXXL, and in fact I can use it on a reasonable amount of oil, but then I don't have excessive ball speed.
The core is the same shape Insignia version that the Epicenter has. The numbers have been changed to reduce flare a little, but the RG is higher, not lower, helping it down the lane a little. We could have pushed it right up, but we wanted the ball to still feel and roll like a top end ball. We aren't huge fans of loapy balls (technical term), or making a jump from your favourite ball to something that rolls totally different mid-game or mid-set if forced to. If you throw an Epicenter, or other stronger ball, the ball change should be seamless, every frame counts. We're trying to build a very complimentary arsenal of products.
As far as that drilling goes, the usual rules apply. I prefer higher pins to get it down lane more, but low pins mellow out the reaction, make the choice based on ball speed I'd say. Your favourite drilling should work fine.
Dave W - Seismic Staffwww.seismicbowling.com