Drilled my Venator today......50x4.5x35
41ft THS( medium volume) after a 3 man senior league
vs Defiant Soul drllled 50x5x40 2000ab.......Soul is a bit stronger, bit earlier and harder off the spot vs the Venator at OB surface. Took Venator to 4000 and the over all strength was very close but edge to the Soul, with the Venator still being a touch cleaner and a touch smoother off the spot. Venator at 2000 was earlier than the Soul, same over all strength and smoother off the spot.
vs Nano drilled 40x4.75x35....2000ab......Nano is much stronger(5-6 boards), much earlier and way stronger off the spot than the Venator at OB condition. Venator at 4000 was still 4-5 boards weaker, a bit longer and way smoother off the spot. Took Venator to 2000ab and it was still 3-4 weaker, and smoother off the spot...I would say at 3000/4000 Venator would be a good step down and compliment. When the Nano would start jumping and going through the nose, the Venator would be a great move.
vs War Eagle drilled 45x4x65 at 4000.....Venator at OB was 3-4 stronger and just as clean as War Eagle with similar motion. After initial frames with War Eagle I didnt throw again when I changed Venator surfaces.
Over all I would say it looks like a very good ball and looks like it will handle oil well, but I need to throw it on a heavier volume to see. The motion and strength were not as strong as i was expecting from all of the talk about the ball on multiple forums, but still pretty strong. Its hard to say where it would really fit until I throw it on some fresh, but what I saw today was that I liked it better and seemed to react and read better without the polish, but that is very typical for my game. The only polished ball Ive really had a consistent look with is the Blackout, Normally a 4000 pad is my friend. So that didnt surprise me at all. It definitely hits hard like all seismic balls and has that similar Seismic feel to it. Smooth/strong, not jumpy off the spot.
I will report back when I have thrown it on fresh pair. Thats when the true test will happens, again these are my initial thoughts.