Used my AfterMath a couple times tonight, but not alot I was bowling in league, had a side bet running that I wanted to win so i stuck with what I knew. But I just had to toss the AfterMath a few times.
Drilled 50x4?x70. Had a pretty good kick off the bp actually it was to much to fast for the condition so I put it away. kicked the MB out about 3 inchs to mellow it out and I still more than enough backend. Can't wait to try this thing where I dont have over the top returns LOL.
Paranoia is a very comforting state of mind
If you think they are out to get you,
You think you matter.
+++Gilbran Quail, Collected Essays "The Traitors Hand"+++(War Hammer 40,000)
Founding FatherBR Inquisition