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Author Topic: Platinum  (Read 2269 times)


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« on: December 06, 2013, 08:21:26 AM »
So, I went in to get my Platinum drilled up yesterday afternoon.

Walked into the pro shop, talked to my pro about drilling it alike my Blackout, and her response was, "They've made a few changes here, you better go bowl a few before you do that."

I walked up, threw a couple warm-ups, then threw my Blackout and watched as it skated, when normally it picks up and turns hard early.

HALLELUJAH! OIL! The center got a new, more viscous oil, and a bit more put down!

Anyway! Decided to go pin under ring, to try and get the ball a bit of a start. With the new oil, it wasn't enough of a difference with the pin down against my speed/revs/tilt.

I was standing 20, laying down 15, getting the ball out to 5 and getting a very smooth pocket hit. I was also able to jump in, going from 30, laying down about 26, 10 at breakpoint, and getting a much stronger pocket hit.

With this layout, Platinum was easily 6 boards stronger than my Blackout. On the breakdown I'm not sure how that's going to play out, but through 8 games, I never moved with the Platinum. I'll tell more once I've bowled in an actual league setting. Loving it so far, though!
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion



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Re: Platinum
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 11:30:43 AM »
If your layout is anything like the one I have here...I know you are going to love it:

I have a Pt I picked up used, and I really want to throw this same layout on mines, but I talked to a pro shop friend of mines and with that long ass pin to CG (I think it was right at 5"), it would place the CG well below my thumb.  I would much rather have had a shorter pin/CG Pt, but I'm going to check with my regular driller to see what options I may have to try and get that same reaction.  I know that I would probably need a deep balance hole to make it work, but I will check on what I can do.  Here is to much success with your Pt....hopefully I can get something done soon with mines as well.
The Seismic System:
Solaris Requiem
Aftermath Pearl
Solaris Blackout (x2); unfortunately 2 cracked
Kinetic Solaris Pearl
Solaris TSE
Desperado TSE


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Re: Platinum
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 07:17:00 PM »
I've got almost the exact same layout, ABS, and it is awesome. It won't be the first ball out of my bag, but it'll defniitely be second and probably be out the longest. Even though there's more/thicker oil, I have a feeling the venator is still going to last maybe a game before I have to drop down.
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion


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Re: Platinum
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2013, 11:51:31 PM »
Platinum for me with the same layout as BlackOut is about 3 boards stronger. IMO I can use Platinum more often than I could BlackOut. BlackOut made appreances when the lanes were snapping or transition was nuts, Platinum I can use on meduim and lighter fresh as well as transition and snappy backends. I like how it reads the lane a little faster than the blackout and gets into a roll easier.
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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Re: Platinum
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2013, 10:24:55 AM »
The first league night was last Thursday that I got to throw it. And went 248, 267, 218 for a 733. Left two splits in the third game, or else would have been much higher.

Started off my Monday league with a 248, had to ball up to my Venator. So 4 game average with Platinum so far is 245 :D Loving me some Platinum.

With the heavier oil being laid out at the Thursday night house, I had to move all of 2 boards off spot. Been standing 25, laying down 20, 15 at arrows, and 10 breakpoint. I can get outside and let it come back, but I've had better carry playing a bit closer.

Venator is a 10/5 move for me, for comparison. So the oil isn't exactly HEAVY, I guess you could say it's back to a normal medium/med-heavy.

Monday night house is about 7 feet longer, which is why I had to put the Platinum up. That, and the people on that league majorily use plastic/low-end reactive.
In the Bag:
Seismic Evo Hybrid
Seismic Evo Pearl
Seismic LynX
Seismic Axion