Gunny can you compare the equalizer to the venator or venator pearl? The qualifier looks like a great piece Seismic is really delivering some great equipment.
I did compare them, and I was 3-1 left of my 75°x6"x40° Venator, but had a little bit more midlane and bigger overall motion with Equalizer. And was 6 boards left of the 65°x5 1/8"x40° Pearl. But there was a little bit of burn with the Equalizer, if there was more oil, I believe the numbers would be a bit higher.
I'll get more vid, and post a comparison of the three. My other Venator that is drilled closer to the Equalizer and Pearl was sanded, so I didn't compare that one. Spinner broke so I couldn't get polish on it before the shoot.
These will be in the comparison video.
Equalizer ~ 75°x5"x38°
Venator Pearl ~ 65°x5 1/8"x40°
Venator ~ 75°x5 1/8"x40°