I was wanting to do more vid and comparison, but on one of the shots I pulled something in my left butt cheek. A hip/butt muscle of some sorts. I couldn't get the drive I wanted which made throwing the Solaris TSE #2 a bit difficult from so deep.
This was only 3 games worth of video. With 8 bowlers on the pair. The first game wasn't much footage shot, as it was more of a warm up/loosen up game, something I need with my old rickety body. Started filming towards end of first game. A few people messaged me about comparing towards certain balls, and a few asked to show how it does when lanes break down. That's why the 8 bowlers.
Although, with the TSE line, my lateral moves are a lot more minimal than anything else I throw. I ended up only six boards left from the start, which isn't bad, considering when I throw just about anything else in league, I'm almost lofting gutter caps by mid second game. In league there's two more bowlers also, and usually out of the 10 of us, there's a few fluffers throwing some heavy oil balls. So the transition on league night is much faster, and the oil goes bye, bye real fast.
As a comparison, this past league night, I was throwing the Desperado TSE the third game. My left foot was lined up with the gutter, which is about 7 boards left of where I ended up playing with the Solaris TSE in the vid.
Realistically I should be throwing the Desperado LE at most, and plastic the majority. One day they'll have enough oil for me