Pretty much hit the nail on the head. While they are not direct replacements, they pretty much fill the gap in the arsenal that will be left by the 2 discontinued balls you mentioned.
The Raging Bull will sit at the top of the arsenal in terms of overall oil handling capability, which is where the requiem sat previously (other than the Aftermath on certain conditions). The difference is of course that the Requiem was a symmetrical cored ball, while the HORNcore (in the RB series) is an asymmentric core.
The Raging Bull Charged is the strongest pearl we have produced to date, and is definitly more like the original solaris in terms of shape on the lane, storing more energy till later than the epicenter. The Epicenter needs a lot of head oil, and as a result is better used on heavier patterns, where as the RBC will allow you to just get deeper on even medium conditions. It is most at home however on longer patterns and medium heavier patters.
Hope that helps!
Ryan Press - Seismic Staff Member
Edited by RyanRPS on 08/06/2011 at 9:56 AM