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Author Topic: 20th Annual Grand Boot Hill  (Read 1003 times)

Woody D

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20th Annual Grand Boot Hill
« on: May 09, 2007, 01:32:30 AM »
Here is a schedule of the events for the 20th Annual Grand Boot Hill Weekend at Hawthorn Lanes in Vernon Hills IL. ALL PRIZES LISTED ARE GUARANTEED.

Fridaay May 25th
3 Game sweeper - 2 squads 7:30 & 9:30 PM
Entry fee $100 if paid by May 1st $125 thereafter
1ST-$1,700 2ND-$1000 3RD-$750- LAST CASHING SPOT $250 1 IN 6 CASH

Saturday May 26th
6 Game sweeper 10am
Entry fee $200 if paid by May 1st $225 thereafter
1ST-$4,500 2ND-$2500 3RD-$1500-LAST CASHING SPOT $450 1 IN 6 CASH

Saturday May 26th-Sunday May 27th
5 Game sweeper with match play finals
Entry fee $225 if paid by May 1st $250 thereafter
1ST-$5000 2ND-$3000 3RD-$$1500-LAST CASHING SPOT $500 1 IN 6 CASH

Sunday May 27th
Over/Under Doubles 7PM One bowler over 44 one bowler under 45-3 games
Entry fee $200 per team
1ST-$2000 2ND-41500 3RD $1250-LAST CASHING SPOT $400 1 IN 6 CASH

Saturday May 25th-Monday May 28th
20th Annual Grand Boot Hill
Entry fee $275 if paid by May 1st $300 thereafter Re-entries $250
1ST-$15,000 2ND-$8,000 3RD-$4,000 LAST CASHING SPOT $450 1 IN 5 CASH

If you need a brochure you can call Woody Demma at 847-955-1933 or download one from our website at