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Author Topic: RealBowlers Tour  (Read 5312 times)


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RealBowlers Tour
« on: February 02, 2009, 12:47:04 PM »
For those that live within any remote shouting distance of Atlanta, the RealBowlers tour is something you have to come check out.  The team at McNair Entertainment have been running them for a few years, and have stops from Birmingham, all over Atlanta, all the way to Greenville, SC.  They hold the tournaments all on one day, tough conditions, fair formats, and most of all, plenty of action.

The staff does a great job of hosting these all honesty they are about as close to a regional as you can get for less than 1/2 the price.  The fields are just as strong as regionals these days, and the payouts are not chopped up with a National Tour.

Check out the site and come play....

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"



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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2009, 08:51:39 PM »
ttt next event March 8th in Greenville, SC

The artist formerly known as "jabroni"


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 01:57:12 PM »
I went to a RealBolwers event that they billed as being on the Shark pattern.  I got there and the pattern wasn't the Shark, but they didn't tell anyone.  Having never bowled on the Shark pattern before I was pretty confused about how the lanes were playing.  I bowled my set, didn't make match play and left.

Didn't find out that the pattern wasn't the Shark until the next day when they sent out an e-mail to all the participants.  Apparently several people were made aware of the pattern that was down during the tournament, but for some unknown reason they didn't feel it was necessary to tell everyone.

Based on my experience I would stay a mile away from these guys.


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2009, 12:24:15 PM »
What difference does it make what pattern they put out?  Everyone was bowling on the same thing right?

Because of people griping about things like this they quit posting patterns.  You show and bowl on what's there....shoe up and play.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2009, 12:32:53 PM »
I think lefty is trying to say that some people knew what the pattern was going to be while others were told different. (or not at all)

I see it this way, if you are going to tell people what pattern it is, all participants should be notified.


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2009, 12:34:03 PM »
If they promote it as being the Shark pattern, and 1/4 of the bowlers know that it isn't, while 3/4 of the bowlers still think it is the Shark. I would say the 1/4 of the people that know it's a different pattern will have an advantage, simply because they know what others don't. The 3/4 would be expecting the pattern to break down like the Shark should, play like the Shark should..and it doesn't.

You can say that everyone is bowling on the same pattern till your blue in the face, but if people expect something and it's completely different entirely, they're instantly confused and many wouldn't know what to do or how to handle their ball reading completely different then the Shark should.

With that said, this is why I don't listen to pre-tournament gossip. Go out and roll your ball, find out where your shot is, how the pattern is laid down, etc.
Big B > *


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2009, 12:36:23 PM »
What difference does it make what pattern they put out?  Everyone was bowling on the same thing right?

Because of people griping about things like this they quit posting patterns.  You show and bowl on what's there....shoe up and play.

The difference is that the equipment I brought was specifically set up for the Shark Pattern.  I would have been better off if they hadn't posted what the pattern was going to be because I would have prepared for anything.

I'm not giving $100 + to an organization that can't even make sure the proprieter lays out the pattern they contracted for, and only communicates when there is a problem to their friends and not all the competitors.

How many people here do you really think would be okay with that?

Edited on 3/5/2009 1:36 PM


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2009, 07:43:31 PM »
What difference does it make what pattern they put out?  Everyone was bowling on the same thing right?

Because of people griping about things like this they quit posting patterns.  You show and bowl on what's there....shoe up and play.

The difference is that the equipment I brought was specifically set up for the Shark Pattern.  I would have been better off if they hadn't posted what the pattern was going to be because I would have prepared for anything.

I'm not giving $100 + to an organization that can't even make sure the proprieter lays out the pattern they contracted for, and only communicates when there is a problem to their friends and not all the competitors.

How many people here do you really think would be okay with that?

Edited on 3/5/2009 1:36 PM

I think I see the problem here.....perhaps you have too many equipment choices and overthink things.  This puts you in a box when you go to a posted pattern tournament.

I'm not trying to be rude....but I know this because I used to be the same way.

I just make sure I have all bases covered when I go..whether I know what pattern is out or not I take the same 8 balls I would take for any posted pattern.  If I know something in particular about the house (wood....low friction surface) I might add one "specialty ball" that might help for an extreme circumstance.

Just trying to help...I really don't think many real tournament bowlers give two ____s about what is out long as it is playable.  The cream finds its way to the top no matter what pattern is out there, and no matter who knows.

Today the South Carolina scratch was held on a house shot, and there were a few local house bowlers there.  None of them made match play, all of those in match play were accomplished players and solid on any condition.

For those that are in the would think they had the "advantage" since they bowl on it all the time....but they didn't.

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2009, 09:37:50 PM »
I do see Lefty's point.  Because I'm trying to be less dependent on equipment (8-9 is a ton of balls unless it's a long format - couldn't tell, tried to click on your link and it told me I'm banned?), I never take more than 5 and that includes a plastic spare ball.  I try to keep all bases covered, but my equipment choices will be different on Viper (most hooking for me) or Cheetah vs. Shark or Scorpion.  I'd have less good choices available to me.  Matching up is very important.  Better carry or a few extra pins might make all the difference in cashing or not, or cashing vs. winning.  Like others said, if you're going to post something, make sure it's correct or everyone has the same information.  I have no problem with unlisted lane conditions, as long as that really is the case.  Nothing worse than finding out all the home house guys know exactly what to expect.
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2009, 11:23:16 AM »
RealBowlers tour

Hmmm, are there FakeBowlers, too?
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2009, 09:59:10 PM »
RealBowlers tour

Hmmm, are there FakeBowlers, too?
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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Yes....ones like me that hang around and donate money

Little known fact:  In Russian "Hope" and "Change" translate to "Tax" and "Spend"


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2009, 10:22:14 PM »
What difference does it make what pattern they put out?  Everyone was bowling on the same thing right?

Because of people griping about things like this they quit posting patterns.  You show and bowl on what's there....shoe up and play.

The difference is that the equipment I brought was specifically set up for the Shark Pattern.  I would have been better off if they hadn't posted what the pattern was going to be because I would have prepared for anything.

I'm not giving $100 + to an organization that can't even make sure the proprieter lays out the pattern they contracted for, and only communicates when there is a problem to their friends and not all the competitors.

How many people here do you really think would be okay with that?

Edited on 3/5/2009 1:36 PM

I am not sure how I stumbled across this post, I guess it was meant for me to see.  I rarely visit this website.
Lefty, I understand where some of your frustration may be with the pattern from the Atlanta Summer tournament.  The shot we posted and advertised was not put out.  We do apologize about that again. Which is also one reason why we have stop posting shots since that tournament.

Because, we are not programming the lane machine and running our patterns ourselves or we cant afford a lane man that travels to every tournament with us, we unfortunately can not guarantee exactly what we asked for to be on the lanes.  (Not sure how many tournaments you have coordinated and come across any of these issues but, we have done about 50+ tournaments in the past 4 1/2 years and unfortunately there are some things we just cannot control.)  Although, we are open to any suggestions you may have to make the tournaments better.

We did not find out from the manager what happened with the shot ourselves until the 4th game of qualifying. I do not know who you are or where you are getting your information but, please do not make false accusations of us "communicates when there is a problem to their friends and not all the competitors".  We hold ourselves to high level of integrity and honesty which is one of the main reasons we began doing tournaments in the first place.

Hopefully, you will get over your bad experience and come out and bowl with us again.  But please don't misspeak or send out false accusations unless you talk with us or one our team members directly.


Theo McNair
678 575-8109  

Edited on 3/12/2009 11:25 AM

You admit that you found out that the shark pattern wasn't laid out in the 4th game, but it wasn't announced at that time.  I didn't find out about the problem with the oil pattern until I received your e-mail the next day apologizing for the mix up.  You must surely understand why I have my doubts that once the manager told you that the pattern was not the shark pattern that this information wasn't conveyed to somebody at the tournament.

Why wasn't it immediately announced when you found out?  If your organization is so much on the up and up, why weren't refunds offered at that time?

I stand by my statements.  I was there and what happened was wrong and nobody tried to make up for it.  It seemed obvious to me that protecting your profits was more important to you than making sure the competition was fair.


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2009, 11:15:20 PM »
seems like  a big pile of crap throwing to me. I will say this though, one does nessceraily need to have lots of equipment to prepare stuff for a pattern, sandpaper works well to take care of havin limited number of balls. And I could see how someone would dull up everything for the shark pattern and then be caught off guard by a different pattern.


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #13 on: March 13, 2009, 05:18:29 AM »
seems like  a big pile of crap throwing to me. I will say this though, one does nessceraily need to have lots of equipment to prepare stuff for a pattern, sandpaper works well to take care of havin limited number of balls. And I could see how someone would dull up everything for the shark pattern and then be caught off guard by a different pattern.

Look, I'm not trying to throw a bunch of crap.  Someone posted on here that the RealBowlers tournaments are great.  When I saw the post I remembered what happened to me at their tournament.  I thought that if someone knew about them doing something wrong at a tournament that I'd like to know about it so I posted what happened to me.  I didn't mention that after I received the e-mail about the screw up I contacted Theo and told him about how I thought this was unfair.  I inquired about the next tournament and asked about perhaps getting a discount or at least a guarantee about the pattern that was going to be put down.  He never replied.

If I am wrong about nobody being told about the pattern not being the shark, then I apologize.  I think it's understandable that I had my doubts based upon what happened and what I was told.  

I didn't say anything more than that until Russell felt it necessary to defend their actions by implying that I should have just sucked it up and accepted the fact that I was given the wrong information because everyone else had the same wrong information.

The simple fact is this.  If you run a business and you have an unhappy customer because of a mistake that you made, you should do something to make the customer happy.  If you choose to ignore that customer, don't get your panties in a bunch when that customer tells others to avoid doing business with them.


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Re: RealBowlers Tour
« Reply #14 on: March 13, 2009, 06:34:35 AM »
I understand where you are coming from but all things are not under Theo's control. I'm sure the center said they would put out shark.. But lets say the lane man made an honest mistake and didn't realize it. WHat can theo do about that until he knows a mistake has been made. the center could have swore up and down they put shark down and nobody could prove them wrong.. they could have said the shot just plays differently everywhere.. and theo and the bowlers would have been screwed..