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Author Topic: VA/MD/DC Scratch tournament  (Read 944 times)


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VA/MD/DC Scratch tournament
« on: January 29, 2008, 12:34:56 PM »
Quick and Cheap Scratch Singles Tournament

Dates:  March 9, 2008, May 11, 2008

$1200 1st Place (based on 100 entries)

Low $49 entry fee.

***  Qualifying squads:  9:00am, 11:00am, & 1:00pm
***  Re-entries permitted
***  Top 4 qualifiers from each squad guaranteed to make final eliminations
***  1 out of 4 entries cash


1)  Three (3) qualifying squads.  Re-entries are permitted, but bowlers will only be able to qualify for the finals and cash once.

2)  Bowl three (3) games across six (6) lanes.

3)  Top four (4) bowlers from each squad will be guaranteed to make final eliminations.  The remaining twelve (12) high qualifiers will round out the field. (24 bowlers based on 100)

4)  All lane assignments and (opponents for head to head matches) will be determined by a blind draw.

Round 1 - Top 8 qualifiers receive a bye.  Remaining 16 bowlers will bowl 1 game.  Field will then be cut.

Round 2 - Top 8 qualifiers plus Round 1 survivors bowl 1 game.  Field will be cut again.

Round 3 - Remaining 8 bowlers bowl 1 Head to Head Match.

Round 4 - Remaining 4 bowlers bowl 1 Head to Head Match.

Round 5 - Two (2) survivors bowl 1 Head to Head match to determine Champion.


1)  Open to all current USBC members.  Non-members may purchase a membership card at the time of entry.  USBC - $19.00.

2)  All situations not covered by these rules will be decided by USBC guidelines.  All other situations not covered will be decided by the tournament director.  All decisions will be final.

3)  Entry fee breakdown: $7.50 bowling, $41.50 prize fund.  Prize fund returned 100%.

4)  Pre-registrations will not be required.


Bowl America Shirley
6450 Edsall Road
Alexandria, VA 22312

Tournament Director:  Toby Smith

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