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Author Topic: Jan. 25th 5 Game No-Tap Doubles Tourney @ AMF Rocklin  (Read 1735 times)


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Jan. 25th 5 Game No-Tap Doubles Tourney @ AMF Rocklin
« on: January 06, 2014, 03:38:51 PM »
Hey guys,

Due to the success of the Black Friday tournament, I am proud to announce our next event at AMF Rocklin Lanes, the January 25th 5 Game No-Tap Doubles Tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, January 25th, 2014 at Noon (check in will start at 11am). This is the weekend before the Super Bowl, so don't worry, you won't be missing any football action :P Here are the tournament details:

  - Bowl 5 games of No-Tap in a doubles format. Move 1 pair of lanes to the right after each game.
  - There will be handicap and scratch divisions. Handicap will be 90% of 220 using the highest book average from (2011-12 and 2012-13)
  - I am adding a new singles sidepot for total individual 5 game series: $10 entry fee, both handicap and scratch divisions.
  - Bowl in both divisions at once! See tournament flyer for details.
  - With 25 entries in a division, first place will be $1,000 in that division guaranteed! With 50 entries in a division, payout will be en estimated 7 spots.
  - Entry fee is $100 per team. Lunch is included.

For additional details and entry form, please see the tournament flyer here:

If you are planning on bowling, please let me know in advance. You do not need to pay your entry fee until the day of the tournament. Cash only payment, please!

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to let me know!


- Daniel Ducoing