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Author Topic: Jewel City 8 gamer 10/25/2009  (Read 1238 times)

Jason Lavoie

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Jewel City 8 gamer 10/25/2009
« on: October 13, 2009, 03:25:22 PM »
Sunday, October 25th, 2009

135 S. Glendale Ave.
Glendale, Ca. 91205

Check in at 9 am
Bowl at 10 am

Entry Fee is $100

$1,000 to 1st and $500 to 2nd based on 35 entries

1 out of 5 bowlers will CASH!!

$15 optional sidepots
$5 optional blocks
$5 optional brackets (Gms 1-3, 4-6, 6-8)


For more information/reservations please contact me at (818) 640-9103
Email Me at

Thank you, Jason Lavoie



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Re: Jewel City 8 gamer 10/25/2009
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2009, 04:28:44 PM »

Jason Lavoie

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Re: Jewel City 8 gamer 10/25/2009
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2009, 07:18:31 PM »
Scratch 8 Gamer
25 Oct 2009
Jewel City Bowl
Glendale, Ca.
25 Entries
40' Nationals Pattern

1. Ben Laughlin(Arizona) +177 $820
2. Steve Smith(San Diego) +118 $410
3. JT (Action) Jackson(Hollywood) +85 $200
4. Matt Jones +76 $170
5. Ubuild Lenon +68 $150
6. Kurt Osterheldt +41
7. Tom Fisk +10
8. Jeff Gordon(Ventura) +1
9. Peter Skahill(Los Angeles) -5
10. Mark Fisser -9
11. Greg Neuer(Covina) -20
12. Joe Porcelli(Northridge) -41
13. James Smith(San Diego) -59
14. PJ Yarns(Granada Hills) -64
15. Bill Gilmore -67
16. Alyse Mcginnes -85
17. Andre Eubanks(Los Angelese) -90
18. Paul Appling -96
19. Gary Duran(Commerce) -114
20. Lee Tucker(Camarillo) -130
21. Gil Romero -142
22. Joseph Micheri(Tujunga) -167
23. Phil Kilichowski(Valencia) -191
24. Shant Tomassian -193
25. Robert Cantu -232
Sidepots paid $33 each
1. Tom Fisk 242
2. Matt Jones 258
3. Tom Fisk / JT (Action) Jackson 244 $16.50 each
4. Mark Fisser / Kurt Osterheldt 226 $16.50 each
5. Ben Laughlin 285
6. Steve Smith 238
7. Steve Smith 268
8. Ben Laughlin 278
Blocks Paid $38 each
1st Block--Kurt Osterheldt / Matt Jones +67   $19.00 each
2nd Block--Ben Laughlin = +209