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Author Topic: NorCal Bowlers: December Tournaments @ AMF Rocklin Lanes  (Read 5568 times)


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NorCal Bowlers: December Tournaments @ AMF Rocklin Lanes
« on: December 08, 2017, 09:47:27 PM »
Hello everybody,

Here are my 2 tournaments I have scheduled in December at AMF Rocklin Lanes. If you would like more info or to reserve a spot, you can visit our Facebook event pages, reply here, or contact me: or 916-521-3524

Sport Pattern Challenge Series - Kegel Dead Man's Chest
Saturday, December 16th, 2017 | Check in starts at 6:00pm, bowl at 7:00pm
- Tournament format is Handicap singles
- Entry is $40 per person with reservation of $45 for a walk-in
- Bowl 4 games of qualifying over 4 pairs of lanes
- After 4 games, the top 4 players advance to the final. The #1 qualifier will play #4 and #2 will play #3.
- Each finals match will be a 1 game roll off, handicap will be included.
- The tournament will payout with a ratio of 1:5
- Handicap will be based on 80% of 220, using the players highest book average from either 2015-16 or 16-17, with a minimum of 21 games.
- There will be optional scratch/hdcp brackets and hi-game pot, and a scratch singles pot for the qualifying round.

December 30th No-Tap 5 Gamer
Saturday, December 30th 2017 | Check in starts at 5:30pm, bowl at 7:00pm
- Entry is $40 per person.
- Bowl 5 games of No-Tap in a singles format. Move 1 pair of lanes to the right after each game.
- There will be handicap and scratch divisions. Handicap will be 80% of 230.
- Entering averages will be determined as follows: Those with 10+ tournament games bowled will use their tournament average. Those without a tournament average will use their highest composite average from their previous 2 seasoned bowled, as reported on, plus 10% added to that average. Anyone who doesn't meet this standard will receive a 230 average and no pins of handical.       
- Bowl in both divisions at once! See tournament flyer for details.
- With 40 entries in a division, first place will be $400 in that division guaranteed! Payouts will be in a 1:5 ratio
- Snacks are included in the entry fee
- Doubles sidepot: Entries are $10 per team. Each team consists of 2 people. There is no maximum amount of entries; bowlers can partner up with as many tournament bowlers as they desire. The doubles sweeper will be available in both handicap and scratch divisions. Standings are determined by the combined 5 game series totals of each bowler.  Payouts will be in a 1:5 ratio.
- Scratch and Handicap brackets and high game pots available!
- Optional Women's HDCP Singles - $10 entry.