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Author Topic: Sacramento Area Bowlers: 4th of July 2013 Tourney - $500 for 1st  (Read 1684 times)


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Hey everybody,
I am proud to announce our 2nd annual 4th of July 5 Game No-Tap Tournament at AMF Rocklin Lanes. 
The Basic Information
- Date: Thursday, July 4th, 2013
- Check-In will be at 11AM, bowling begins at Noon
- Handicap and Scratch Divisions (or bowl in both simultaneously!)
- Entry is $40 per person
- Lunch is included
- $500 First Place Guaranteed! (with 25 entries per division)
- Reservations are encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome
- Cash only payment, please
Tournament Format/Prize Fund
1. Bowl 5 games of 9-pin No-Tap over 5 pairs of lanes
2. The regular house-shot conditions will be used.
3. Handicap and Scratch Divisions: You can now choose between either division. The handicap division will be based on book averages at 80% of 220. The scratch division will have no handicap.
4. Compete in both divisions at once: You will have the option to have your scores count in the handicap and scratch divisions simultaneously and the ability to win prize money from both divisions. Entry is $60.
5. Separate prize funds: There will be a different prize fund for each division. First place is guaranteed $500 in EACH division, with a minimum of 25 entries per division. Fewer than 25 entries in a division will result in a reduced prize fund.
6. Estimated payouts, with 50 people in a division:
       1st Place: $500 | 2nd: $250 | 3rd: $125 | 4th: $60 | 5th: $30 | 6th: $20 | 7th: $15   
Sign Me Up!
Reservations are encouraged but not necessary. To enter, please fill out the entry form below and return to any AMF Associate. Cash only, please!

The tournament is open to all abilities and anyone age 18 and older. Please see the flyer below for more information, additional rules and entry form. We will be accepting sign ups immediately, so please don't hesitate. If you have any questions, please contact me:

or AMF Rocklin Lanes:
2325 Sierra Meadows Drive, Rocklin, CA 95677   |   916-624-8216   |

Tournament Flyer/Entry Form

See you on the 4th!
- Daniel Ducoing

« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 05:03:15 PM by danzilla911 »



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Re: Sacramento Area Bowlers: 4th of July 2013 Tourney - $500 for 1st
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 04:49:02 PM »
Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far! We still have plenty of spots open and will be accepting walk-ins tomorrow. Please join us at AMF Rocklin Lanes! Check in is at 11am, bowling begins at Noon.

- Dan