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Author Topic: The 2014-15 Thursday Night Shootout Winter League Now Forming @ AMF Rocklin  (Read 4978 times)


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Looking for a fun yet competitive bowling experience?
I am proud to announce the Thursday Night Shootout is now forming for the Winter 2014-15 season at AMF Rocklin Lanes.
Here’s a quick overview of the league format:
 - The league will bowl Thursday nights at 7pm, starting September 11th, 2014.
 - The league will feature a handicap system TDB at the league meeting.
 - The league will include a minimum average for handicaps. Men averaging below 170 and Women averaging below 150 will only receive handicap for the 170/150 average. There is NO league minimum average to bowl; all skill levels are welcome!
 - 4 person mixed teams (any combination of men and/or women)
 - Peterson Point system
 - USBC Sanctioned
 - 33 week season
 - League dues are $20 per week plus a one time $80 team sponsorship fee.*
 - League dress code: Teams are encouraged to wear matching shirts during league play
 - Weekly raffles and giveaways.

The league meeting will be held on September 4th, 2014 at AMF Rocklin Lanes. All league participants are asked to attend. At this meeting, we will discuss the following
 - League rules
 - League schedule and playoff format
 - Point System
 - Handicap Percentage/format
 - League dress code
*Team sponsorship requirement: Teams are encouraged to seek sponsorship from local businesses to pay $80 sponsorship fee. In return, sponsored businesses will receive in-center advertising for the full season and team name. 100% of all sponsorship money will be placed into league prize fund.
Any other league items that need to be decided.

If you have any questions about the league or wish to sign up, check out the league flyer attached to this email contact the league secretary: Daniel Ducoing: or 916-521-3524 or check us out on Facebook:

Looking forward to you joining us for a great winter league season!

- Dan
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 11:46:21 AM by danzilla911 »



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  • Posts: 128
Hey guys,

Just a reminder, the league meeting for the 2014-15 Thursday Night Shootout is coming up! The league meeting will be held on Thursday, September 4th, 2014 at 7pm at AMF Rocklin Lanes. There is no formal league bowling on Sept 4th; Week 1 of the league will be the following week, September 11th. However, there will be lanes available for practice after the meeting.

All league participants are encouraged to attend this league meeting. This includes any bowlers who are interested in the league but not currently signed up/don't have a full team. If you plan on bowling the league/have not yet signed up and cannot attend the meeting, please contact me in the next few weeks, and I will assign you a team.

We currently have 52 bowlers signed up for the fall season, which equals 13 teams, and I anticipate adding more bowlers in the next few weeks.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Otherwise, I will see you on Thursday!

- Dan